Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 9 Oct 2002

Vol. 554 No. 5

Written Answers. - Departmental Expenditure.

Bernard Allen


1730 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the appointments made by her to boards, agencies or committees operating under the aegis of his Department from 17 April to date [17203/02]

The statutory agencies operating under the aegis of my Department are the Pensions Board, the Combat Poverty Agency, Comhairle, the new Family Support Agency and the social welfare tribunal. The only appointments I have made are to the board of Comhairle and the Family Support Agency.

Comhairle has responsibility for promoting the provision of independent information, advice and advocacy services to all citizens. It was established in June 2000 and replaced the national social services board and certain functions of the National Rehabilitation Board.

I appointed the following to the board of Comhairle: Tom Daly, chairperson; Inez Bailey; John Bosco Conama; Nigel Brander; Caroline Casey; Paul Hogan; Mairin Byrne; and Clare Young. The Family Support Agency Act, 2001, provided for the establishment of the Family Support Agency to bring together the main programmes and pro-family services developed by the Government since 1997.

The agency will be overseen by a board comprising members with experience and expertise in fields such as family mediation, the family community resource programme, counselling, research, family law and parenting. The designate members of the agency's board were announced in June and the board held its first meeting in July.
It is my intention to establish the board on a formal statutory basis shortly. The designate members of the new agency include: Michael O'Kennedy, Chairperson; Clare Cashman; Sinead Hanly; Dick Hickey; Brendan Murphy; Dr. Colm O'Connor; Muriel Walls; Deirdre Carroll and Bríd Rocks.
The members of the agency will also include an officer of the Minister for Health and Children, another person with relevant experience or expertise and an elected member of the agency's staff.