Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 9 Oct 2002

Vol. 554 No. 5

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Gerard Murphy


381 Mr. Murphy asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if the issuing of payment of area aid can be expedited to a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [17438/02]

The person named included a parcel of land on his 2002 area aid application that relates to a commonage on which an overclaim has been determined. All 19 herdowners on this commonage have been written to with a view to resolving this overclaim. Until this matter is resolved the area aid application for the person named cannot be fully processed and no area related payments can issue.

The applicant also included incorrect parcel reference numbers on his 2002 area aid application that gave rise to an apparent dual over claim on one of his parcels. He was written to in this regard by the area aid unit and this matter has now been resolved in his favour.