The person concerned was in receipt of disability allowance with effect from September 1998 at the maximum weekly personal rate.
Under the legislative provisions that apply to disability allowance, all income which the claimant or their spouse or partner have is assessable for means purposes. Following a review, his means, deriving from his partner's employment, were reassessed at €116.64 per week. This assessment does not include the value of a compensation award on the grounds that this is being used to purchase a house. Based on this means assessment he is currently entitled to disability allowance at the weekly rate of €3.80 per week. He was notified of this decision on 30 August 2002 and of his right to appeal to the social welfare appeals office. To date, no appeal has been made.
Under social welfare legislation, decisions in relation to claims must be made by deciding officers and appeals officers. These officers are statutorily appointed and I have no role in regard to making such decisions.