Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Nov 2002

Vol. 556 No. 5

Written Answers. - Women in Agriculture.

Jan O'Sullivan


64 Ms O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if and when he will implement the recommendations of the advisory group on the role of women in Irish agriculture; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20832/02]

The report of the advisory committee on the role of women in agriculture published in September 2000 contains 36 recommendations, covering a broad area, which includes education and training, information technology and social inclusion. Recommendations in the report have since been incorporated into the national plan for women recently published by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

In pursuit of individual recommendations my Department co-ordinated an interdepartmental group who examined the matter of PRSI for farm spouses. This group reported in February 2002 and possible options to resolve the issue have been notified to farming organisations. As regards other recommendations within the remit of my Department the following is the position. Funding has been provided under the Leader national rural development programme to grant aid the network of women in agriculture, which is being promoted by Macra na Feirme through a series of nationwide public meetings. The Leader programmes have identified sustainable income earning and job creating projects for women as priority for grant aid. Teagasc with the assistance of the information society fund has developed on-line curriculum and resource material for farmer IT training. The project was instigated in order to address the specific needs of farmers in relation to IT training which was identified by the advisory committee. During the past three years, some 400 computer training courses were attended by 5,000 rural dwellers and 60% of these were women. In relation to the advisory services, it is Teagasc policy to invite farmers and their spouse-partner to all Teagasc events. The opportunities for farm families programme, which was introduced in 2001, is a major initiative, which specifically targets both partners on family farms along with the likely successor, and women are playing an active part in the programme. Some 3,500 families will participate in this programme this year.

As indicated in the programme for Government the recommendations in report of the advisory committee on the role of women in agriculture will continue to be pursued.
