Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002

Vol. 558 No. 5

Written Answers. - Services for the Elderly.

Bernard J. Durkan


351 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the extent to which she or her Department might be prepared to co-operate with the Department of Health and Children in providing basic facilities such as home heating or home improvements for the elderly; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [25131/02]

My Department provides assistance to the elderly in a variety of ways and co-operates with the Department of Health and Children and other Departments as appropriate.

The fuel scheme operated by the Department runs from early October to mid-April each year. The aim of the scheme is to assist householders who are on long-term social welfare or health board payments and who are unable to provide for their own heating needs.

There is also a facility available through the supplementary welfare allowance scheme, by way of a heating supplement, to assist people in certain circumstances who have special heating needs. Heating supplements under the scheme are normally paid to people who have special heating requirements as a result of illness or infirmity.

If a person has an exceptional need they can apply for an exceptional needs payment under the supplementary welfare allowance scheme. Exceptional needs payments are payable at the discretion of the health board taking into account the requirements of the legislation and all the relevant circumstances of the case.

The Department of the Environment and Local Government operates a grant scheme for elderly people in respect of home improvements. Grants are available to assist with the cost of carrying out essential repairs or improvements that will prolong the useful life of a house.
Finally a high level working group whose function is to develop an action plan to meet the needs of older people has been established. This group comprises representatives of my Department, the Departments of Health and Children, Environment and Local Government and Transport. The group is chaired by the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, Deputy Callely, who has special responsibility for older people.