The national lottery funded sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, allocates funding to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and national level throughout the country.
The programme is advertised on an annual basis. The 2003 sports capital programme was advertised in the national newspapers on 23 and 24 March 2003. The closing date for receipt of applications was 25 April. A total of 1,337 applications were received before the closing date.
All applications under the 2003 sports capital programme were evaluated by my Department in accordance with the assessment criteria for the programme published in the guidelines, terms and conditions document which accompanied the application form for the programme. Following completion of the evaluation of the applications received by my Department under the programme, I announced provisional grant allocations totalling over €52.8 million on 25 July and 29 August last.
A breakdown of the number of applications by county, including the numbers successful and unsuccessful follows, as is a listing of all the unsuccessful applicants and the amount of funding each requested; in the case of the latter information where the amount requested is blank this indicates that the applicant did not specify an amount on their application to my Department.
Sports Capital Programme 2003 – Summary of Applications received by County