Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 7 Oct 2003

Vol. 571 No. 4

Written Answers. - Water Sports Vehicles.

Jan O'Sullivan


170 Ms O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he has satisfied himself that adequate regulations are in place to control the use of jet-skis, especially in view of the fatal accident which led to the death of a person in Youghal during the summer of 2003; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22061/03]

The operation of jet-skis and other high powered leisure water craft in areas where bathing takes place, in harbours and other places frequented by water users has been a matter of particular concern for me. Since taking office I have implemented a number of measures to address this matter.

At present there are two sets of regulations, introduced in 2001, which contain specific national provisions governing the safe use of jet skis and similar craft. These regulations include provisions in relation to age restrictions for operators, the carriage and use of life jackets and restrictions on the use of alcohol and drugs while operating one of these craft. The regulations also provide for careless and dangerous navigation and operation offences.

I have recently brought forward proposals to amend the fishery harbour centres Acts to increase penalties for breaches of fishery harbour centre by-laws. The proposals will also provide for stronger controls on jet-skis and other high-powered craft that could endanger life and seriously prejudice the proper operation of the fishery harbours.
A key objective of mine is that local authorities should adopt local by-laws for the safe operation of jet-skis in their areas of responsibility and, to this end, my Department have been encouraging all local authorities to adopt suitable by-laws. To date, eight local authorities have done so and a number of others are considering them. However, a legal issue has arisen regarding the making of these by-laws in respect of water areas not directly under the control of a local authority. My Department is in discussions at this time with officials from the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the matter. I have requested the Department to bring forward proposals as quickly as possible to enable local authorities to adopt regulations in regard to the operation of jet-skis in any waters within their jurisdiction where such controls are considered desirable.