Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Nov 2003

Vol. 573 No. 3

Written Answers. - Schools Building Projects.

Michael Ring


321 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science when a sports hall will be provided for a school (details supplied) in County Mayo; when this facility was initially requested; the number of pupils who will avail of this facility when completed; and when he will sanction the necessary funding. [25005/03]

A proposal for the provision of a PE hall was submitted to my Department in April 2000. Having considered the application, the VEC authorities were advised that my Department would be prepared to fund such a project on the basis of providing a standard PE hall of 608 square metres with associated ancillary accommodation, which would be shared by the pupils of both post-primary schools in the area. The school planning section of my Department is awaiting confirmation from the management authorities of both schools and from County Mayo VEC that they are in agreement on the provision of a PE hall as outlined above. Until such confirmation is received, no further progress will be made.

Michael Ring


322 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science when he will sanction phase two of the building works at a school (details supplied) in County Mayo; the length of time this has been pending; and when it will be dealt with. [25006/03]

The proposed large scale building project for the school referred to by the Deputy is listed in section 7 of the 2003 school building programme which is published on my Department's website at www.education.ie. This proposed project is at stage 3, developed sketch scheme, of architectural planning. It has been assigned a band 2 rating by my Department in accordance with the published criteria for prioritising large scale projects.

Projects listed in sections 6 and 7 will not be authorised to progress beyond their current stage of architectural planning at this time. Budgetary provisions in 2004 and subsequent years will determine the rate of progression to tender and construction of these projects in conjunction with the band rating individually assigned. This application to extension and refurbish the existing accommodation was originally received in September 1998.

Michael Ring


323 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science when a school (details supplied) in County Mayo initially applied for funding for an extension; the stage its application is at; and when the necessary funding will be sanctioned. [25007/03]

The proposed large scale building project for the school referred to by the Deputy is listed in section 7 of the 2003 school building programme which is published on my Department's website at www.education.ie. This proposed project is at stage 3, developed sketch scheme, of architectural planning. It has been assigned a band 2 rating by my Department in accordance with the published criteria for prioritising large scale projects.

Projects listed in sections 6 and 7 will not be authorised to progress beyond their current stage of architectural planning at this time. Budgetary provisions in 2004 and subsequent years will determine the rate of progression to tender and construction of these projects in conjunction with the band rating individually assigned. This application for an extension and refurbishment works was originally received in February 1996.
