Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013

Vol. 790 No. 1

Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Ann Phelan - the need to revisit the case of the murder of Fr. Niall Molloy; (2) Deputy John Paul Phelan - the need for the Health Service Executive to alter its recruitment policy in respect of psychologists in order to allow for the recruitment of both educational and counselling psychologists; (3) Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan - the implications of imposing a property tax on housing associations; (4) Deputy Anthony Lawlor - the need to have science as a mandatory subject at junior certificate level; (5) Deputy Jonathan O'Brien - the relocation of Blackpool post office, Cork city; (6) Deputy Pearse Doherty - the restructuring of the Anglo Irish Bank promissory notes; (7) Deputy Regina Doherty - the need for cash for gold outlets to specify that customers bringing in second-hand gold items are requested to provide evidence of photo ID and other forms of ownership; (8) Deputy Catherine Murphy - the delays in completing school accommodation works at St. Anne's national school, Ardclough, County Kildare; (9) Deputy Michael Moynihan - the need to ensure specialised units for treating epilepsy in Cork University Hospital and Beaumont Hospital, Dublin are fully utilised and operated; (10) Deputies Billy Kelleher, Richard Boyd Barrett, Denis Naughten and Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin - the way in which capital developments were expedited in Kilkenny and Wexford; (11) Deputy Michael McNamara - proposals for the alignment of local government and local development; (12) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - proposals for the alignment of local government and local development; (13) Deputy Mick Wallace - the need for more direct action to combat obesity; (14) Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin - the redirection of receipts from the upcoming levy on online betting into sports, other than horse and greyhound racing, and health infrastructure; (15) Deputy Eamonn Maloney - the new school book rental scheme; (16) Deputy Martin Ferris - the future of Coillte; (17) Deputy Joe Higgins - the terms of the promissory note payments; (18) Deputy Mattie McGrath - the need to solve ongoing problems with the payment of grants by SUSI; and (19) Deputy Simon Harris - the provision of primary school places in Kilcoole and Greystones, County Wicklow.

The matters raised by Deputies Billy Kelleher, Richard Boyd Barrett, Denis Naughten, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin; Michael Moynihan; Eamonn Maloney; and Simon Harris have been selected for discussion.
