Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDREN (Sub-Committee on High Levels of Suicide in Irish Society) díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2005

Business of Sub-Committee.

I will now address the work programme of the sub-committee. The orders of reference of the sub-committee have been laid before both Houses and will have to be amended. The joint committee must agree to change the name of the sub-committee and the amendment will have to be agreed at the next meeting of the joint committee. Our purpose is to address this issue on behalf of the joint committee and report back to it with a series of concrete recommendations. I propose that we proceed by engaging consultants to examine the evidence heard and the submissions and reports received and then request them to draft a report with concrete recommendations. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Election of Vice Chairman.

Will a vice chairman of the sub-committee be appointed? If the answer is yes, I propose Deputy Neville.

I second the nomination of Deputy Neville.

Is that agreed? Agreed.
