Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDREN (Sub-Committee on High Levels of Suicide in Irish Society) díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2005

Business of Sub-Committee.

The members have received an extract of the clerk's guide to committee procedures and practices, outlining the strict procedures that must be adhered to in appointing consultants. The first decision we must make concerns seeking tenders from interested parties. We can have an open tender, placing advertisements seeking tenders in the national press, or a selective tendering process, drawing up a list of suitable consultants and inviting them to tender. The latter is the more common process and is recommended.

We should choose whichever procedure will secure the best possible person, given the nature of our task.

Some of those named are well qualified. What selection process will we choose?

That is what we are trying to decide. Two suggestions have been made, namely, either an open or a selective tendering process. The latter process was followed in selecting the consultant for the Travers report.

Who provided us with the list of possible consultants?

It is a list the committee uses whenever issues need to be dealt with.

Are we satisfied in respect of their bona fides?

Yes, that is why they are on the list. If people wish to make suggestions regarding individuals not on the list, we are prepared to consider them.

I would be happy to appoint a consultant from this list. Perhaps we should ask them to make submissions. Are we bound to advertise?

We will now enter private session.

The sub-committee went into private session at 2.20 p.m. and resumed in public session at 2.25 p.m.
