Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

National Development Plan.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 October 2004

Thursday, 14 October 2004

Ceisteanna (52)

Arthur Morgan


49 Mr. Morgan asked the Minister for Finance the procedures within his Department for ongoing review of the national development plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24825/04]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

My Department has a range of mechanisms in place for the ongoing review of the implementation of the NDP. The NDP-CSF monitoring committee plays an active role in the monitoring of the NDP. It meets at least twice yearly to receive detailed implementation reports on each of the operational programmes. The committee consists of a wide partnership of interests, including implementing Departments, the social partners, sectoral interests and members of local authorities representing the regional assemblies. My Department provides the chair and secretariat for the committee.

Each operational programme has a similar widely based monitoring committee that meets twice yearly to monitor the ongoing implementation of the programme. The managing authorities and the Department or agencies responsible for implementing specific aspects of the operational programmes have additional procedures in place to monitor and manage them.

In addition, my Department is assisted by a number of dedicated units that were established to meet the requirements of the Structural Funds regulations. These units are concerned with the proper financial control of the funds, ongoing evaluations of key elements of the NDP, collection of implementation data and providing information and publicity on the operational programmes.

As part of the ongoing review process, my Department commissioned a comprehensive review of the NDP at its mid-term. It was undertaken by a team of evaluators led by the ESRI and a report was published in November 2003. This major review was based on similar independent mid-term reviews conducted at the level of the operational programmes.

In addition to the mid-term evaluation, the NDP-CSF evaluation unit carries out periodic evaluations on key aspects of the NDP. This unit operates under the aegis of the technical assistance monitoring committee that is chaired by my Department. Key Departments also report through their Ministers to the Cabinet sub-committee on infrastructure, housing and public private partnerships on the implementation and delivery of infrastructure programmes under the NDP.
