I propose to take Questions Nos. 1514 to 1516, inclusive and 1551 together.
Accommodation provided under my Department's social and affordable housing programmes includes a range of delivery mechanisms including new build, Part V, turnkey developments and acquisitions. The composition and ongoing management of the housing stock, including matters arising from the acquisition of apartments in private developments and consequential membership of the relevant management company consisting of all the apartment owners concerned, is a matter for individual housing authorities having regard to their particular circumstances.
In general, apartment complex management companies are constituted under the Companies Acts and are required to comply with the provisions of company law which is a matter for Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment. I understand that the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment hopes to bring proposals for amendment of company law to Government later this year, which are expected to include certain changes relevant to management companies.
As many of the legal issues relating to the establishment, operation and control of management companies are generally outside my Department's area of responsibility my Department is engaging with a number of relevant agencies regarding aspects of the issue, including the Departments of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and Justice, Equality and Law Reform, the Law Reform Commission, the National Consumer Agency. My Department is also engaging with local authorities and the construction industry on the matter.
A Law Reform Commission Working Group is currently examining legal aspects generally regarding management of multi-unit structures and its consultation paper is expected shortly. The Government will consider the recommendations in its final report including the need for any new measures to be taken in this area.
The Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) will have the function of licensing, regulating and dealing with complaints relating to managing agents. These are commercial firms engaged by management companies to carry out day-to-day management and maintenance. The Authority will also have a public information function in relation to property management. The PSRA, and its functions, will be provided for in legislation that is being prepared by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. I understand that an Implementation Group and a Director Designate are already in place.
The National Consumer Agency is to publish a report on the issue very shortly and also intends to publish a consumer information document. I and the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government have also responded on the above lines to concerns raised by Deputies in representations on behalf of the constituents, including in relation to the Tallaght Area.