Quarterly Irish economic data can be very volatile. Reflecting this, the Government's labour market forecasts are based on annual averages, rather than quarterly figures.
The Medium Term Fiscal Statement published by the Minister for Finance on 4 November forecasts a projected decline of 1.8% in employment levels over the whole of 2011 and a marginal contraction of 0.2% in employment levels for 2012 as a whole. Based on these figures, the Department of Finance forecasts that employment levels will average in the order of 1.811 million in 2012.
Supported by the measures set out in the Government's Jobs Initiative, the economy is expected to be creating jobs on a net basis by the end of next year, with an annual increase foreseen for 2013.
It is important to point out that the forecasts provided in the Medium Term Fiscal Statement are predicated on policies that have already been published and cannot take into account policies that have yet to be announced. I am currently preparing a Jobs Strategy for the Government which will set out a series of clear, actionable measures to support the creation of jobs. This Strategy will be published in January.