Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Work Permits

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 April 2012

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ceisteanna (269)

Michael Healy-Rae


361 Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the position regarding a work permit in respect of a person (details supplied) [20367/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I wish to inform the Deputy that there is no record of a Permit application being received in my Department in respect of the above named.

The Department of Justice and Equality determines the immigration status of persons within the State. A student on an Immigration Stamp 2, issued by the Department of Justice and Equality, is permitted to remain in Ireland to pursue a course of studies and is permitted to engage in casual employment which is defined as not more than 20 hours per week during term, and up to 40 hours per week during holidays. A student on a Stamp 2 is prohibited from engaging in full time employment and cannot be issued with an employment permit unless they have been granted permission to remain by the Department of Justice and Equality under the "Third Level Graduate" or the "Timed-Out Student" Schemes. Full details of both of these Schemes can be found on the Department of Justice and Equality website at http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Students. The purpose of the permission to remain in the State under these Schemes is to seek employment and apply for a Green Card or Work Permit under normal criteria.

I wish to advise the Deputy that it is current Government policy to issue new employment permits only in respect of:

highly skilled, highly paid positions or;

non-EEA nationals who are already legally resident in the State on valid employment permits or;

positions requiring specialist or scarce skills, expertise or qualifications which, otherwise, cannot be filled.
