Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Job Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 June 2012

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Ceisteanna (33)

Bernard J. Durkan


31 Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the full extent of job opportunities created to date in the past 14 months and arising from various jobs initiatives; the number that were part or full time; the extent to which he expects to facilitate an expansion of such or other schemes in the current year; the likely benefit in terms of extra job creation arising over the next four years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27299/12]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The figures in respect of jobs in Enterprise Development agency-supported companies and those supported by the County and City Enterprise Boards (CEBs) are compiled in the Forfás Annual Employment Survey and the CEB Annual Employment Survey respectively. As the information is compiled on an annualised basis, the figures in respect of 2011 as a whole are set out in the following table and are recorded on a full time equivalent basis.

Job creation is at the top of the Government's agenda. Since we came into office, we have been working hard to create the improved economic conditions which will support the maintenance of existing jobs and the creation of new ones. Our objective is to put the country back on the road to economic recovery and full employment. The Action Plan for Jobs, which was launched on 13 February, outlines the Government's plan to rebuild the economy and create jobs.

The first quarterly Progress Report on the implementation of the Action Plan was published on 20 April, and is available on my Department's website,www.djei.ie. It shows that 80 of the 83 measures due to be delivered in the first Quarter of 2012 have been completed. Some important deliverables already achieved under the Action Plan include the development of the Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme and the publication of legislation to bring it into effect, the launch of the “Succeed in Ireland”initiative, the design and launch of Enterprise Ireland’s Development Capital scheme, the enactment of pro-jobs measures in the Finance Bill, and the establishment of a new Education and Training Fund. IDA Ireland’s Strategy, Horizon 2020, sets out its national targets to 2014 for direct job creation in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sector. These targets include the creation of 62,000 direct jobs in 640 investment projects over the period, which could result in an additional 105,000 jobs overall in the economy. 50% of those investments will be targeted for locations outside of Dublin and Cork.

This year, Enterprise Ireland has continued to drive the growth of client companies in overseas markets which in turn will support existing jobs and job creation in Ireland. The ultimate objective is increased exports, employment and prosperity in Ireland. The County and City Enterprise Boards (CEBs) have continued to develop the potential of small and micro-enterprises through the provision of financial and technical support. The CEBs give priority to enterprises in the manufacturing or internationally traded services sector. The jobs created with agency and CEB assistance contribute greatly to the development of local economies throughout the country and, in addition, the agencies and CEBs work closely with their clients both in the early start-up stages of businesses and also to ensure the sustainability of those businesses through on-going support, advice and mentoring.

I am confident that the measures outlined in the Action Plan for Jobs together with the other initiatives being pursued will bring about the employment and investment opportunities necessary for economic growth.

Number of Jobs Created in 2011 in Companies supported by the Enterprise Development agencies and the County and City Enterprise Boards

Enterprise Ireland

IDA Ireland

Shannon Development

County and City Enterprise Boards




