Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Action Plan for Jobs

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 16 October 2014

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Ceisteanna (12)

Seán Kyne


12. Deputy Seán Kyne asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will report on the progress of the actions within the Action Plan for Jobs concerning his Department and its constituent groups to create competitive regions, including but not limited to building new manufacturing and office space facilities and the development of a regional enterprise strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [39072/14]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The aim of the Action Plan for Jobs is to help enterprises to create employment in all regions of the country. If we are to do this successfully, it is important that the economic potential of each region is maximised and that each region builds on its particular strengths and assets to provide an environment that stimulates entrepreneurship and attracts investment - both indigenous and foreign.

The Quarterly National Household Survey figures published by the Central Statistics Office for 2013 show that employment increased year-on-year in every region. However, we must do more to ensure that the economic recovery is translated into sustainable jobs in all parts of the country.

In order to support the development of competitive regions, a number of important initiatives have been delivered through the APJ. These include:

- The rolling out of an integrated structure of Local Enterprise Offices which integrate the business support services of local authorities with policy support from a Centre of Excellence in Enterprise Ireland and delivering new initiatives like the investment in our County and Regional Best Young Entrepreneur;

- The negotiation of Regional Aid Guidelines that extended our capacity to support enterprise in weaker regions;

- The roll out of a national step change for manufacturing enterprises

- The introduction of Regional Competitive Feasibility and Competitive Start Funds;

- The support of innovation capability in our regions through Research support to Higher Education Institutions and Technology Centres.

The 2014 APJ includes a number of commitments to support competitive regions, including, within my own Department, embarking on a programme of building properties in specific locations to create fresh opportunities for foreign direct investment, and developing a framework for Regional Enterprise Strategies.

IDA Ireland has identified a number of locations where the private sector is unable currently to develop property solutions. The agency has commenced the construction of new advanced manufacturing facilities in Waterford and Athlone which will be completed by the end of this year, and new office space is also being delivered in Letterkenny. In addition, the IDA is reviewing available property stocks in other locations.

The framework for the development of Regional Enterprise Strategies will enable us to better integrate the efforts of the enterprise development agencies and other regional stakeholders in supporting enterprise growth and jobs in the regions. While there is already a significant amount of practical cooperation taking place at local and regional levels between many public bodies, developing a framework in which cooperation can be improved is timely.

I have been actively working on a template for the development of Regional Enterprise Strategies and it is my intention that this framework will be applied initially to produce action-oriented plans to support enterprise growth and jobs in the Midlands region and the South East region. Learning in these regions will inform any adaptations that might need to be made prior to the framework being applied to other regions.
