Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

School Curriculum

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 January 2018

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Ceisteanna (223)

Fiona O'Loughlin


223. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the selection process for schools that were selected to teach the new leaving certificate computer science subject; the number of schools that were offered the programme in County Laois; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4083/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The introduction of Computer Science as a Leaving Certificate subject is part of this Government’s overall commitment to embed digital technology in teaching and learning.  I asked my Department to accelerate the introduction of this exciting new subject into the first phase of schools to September 2018. 

As part of the process of identifying schools to participate in Phase 1 of the implementation of the new subject, my Department issued a circular letter (ref 0067/2017) to all post-primary schools inviting them to apply. This letter advised that a small cohort of schools would be selected for this initial phase. The letter also advised of the section criteria that would be used to assist in selecting the Phase 1 schools, viz.

- There is support from the Board of Management and senior leadership within the school, in consultation with the school community, for this initiative;

- The school is willing to offer Computer Science as a Leaving Certificate subject on the time-table from September 2018;

- The school can identify a teacher (or teachers) with relevant experience and/or qualifications who is willing to teach Computer Science and participate in the required professional development within school time;

- Teachers are willing to participate in some professional development in their own time if and when the need arises;

- The school has a viable number of students interested in studying Computer Science as a Leaving Certificate subject.

A Steering Group chaired by my Department was established to oversee the implementation of the new subject.  Over 130 applications were received from schools to participate in Phase 1 and these were examined and assessed by a sub-group of this steering group. The 40 schools identified by the selection sub-group, which included a spread by geographical area and school type, were subsequently approved by the Steering Group.

While many of the applications received from schools were of high quality, the requirement to have a relatively small number of schools comprising the Phase 1 cohort meant that some schools would be inevitably disappointed. However, it is my Department’s intention, following the experience of the Phase 1 implementation, to ultimately offer Computer Science as a Leaving Certificate option to all interested schools.

Schools that were unsuccessful in their application to participate in Phase 1 have been notified accordingly. While understanding the Deputy's request for specific details in relation to schools in County Laois that may have applied for inclusion in Phase 1, it is not the place of the Department to provide details of unsuccessful applicants. Unsuccessful schools were not advised that such details would be shared.
