Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Public Private Partnerships Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 January 2018

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Ceisteanna (643)

Pearse Doherty


643. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government the public private partnerships his department is currently engaged in; the name, cost and timeframe of each; the names of all private parties involved; the nature of each project in terms of design, build, maintain and so on, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4438/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Social Housing PPP Programme involves an investment with a capital value of €300 million.  It is to deliver 1,500 social housing units in total, via three bundles.

The first bundle, which comprises six PPP sites, will provide over 500 units in the Greater Dublin Area. Two of the sites are located in the Dublin City Council area with one each in the County Council areas of South Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow and Louth. A contract notice was published on 12 May 2017 in the Official Journal of the European Union and expressions of interest were submitted by five candidates. Based on a detailed evaluation of these submissions, the following three candidates have been shortlisted to tender-

- BAM PPP PGGM Cooperatie U.A;

- Comhar; and

- Torc Housing Partnership.

Details regarding these tenderers are available on the National Development Finance Agency website at http://www.ndfa.ie/social-housing-bundle-1-shortlist/ .

The second bundle, comprising eight PPP sites which are to provide over 450 units, was announced in June 2016.  Three of the sites are located in the Cork County Council area, with one each in  the Galway City Council, Waterford City & County Council, and Clare, Kildare and Roscommon County Council areas.

The identification and selection of sites for the third project bundle is at a preliminary stage.

Each individual bundle of sites takes an estimated 37-48 months to deliver in total, including planning, procurement and construction. It is expected that construction on the first bundle of sites will commence later this year, with units becoming available from 2019.  The timelines for construction and delivery of the second bundle of sites would be expected to follow some six to nine months after those for the first bundle.

The Social Housing PPP Programme is being delivered through the ‘availability’-based PPP model. Under this type of contract, the PPP project company as the private partner designs, builds, finances and maintains public buildings on sites provided by the State, in this case through the local authority. Payment is made by the State only once construction of the buildings is complete and the units are ready to house tenants. The payment comprises a monthly ‘availability’ and performance-based payment (or unitary charge) made over the term of the 25-year contract.

The amount of the availability payment is a bid item in the selection of the preferred tender. This means that when a bidder tenders for the PPP project, the level of monthly payment is considered in assessing the competing tenders.  As the Deputy will understand, given that the tender process is currently underway, and in order to ensure that the State receives value for money, these costings are of a commercially sensitive nature.

Land provided by the local authority is made available by way of a licence. Ownership of State land is not transferred to the private partner PPP company.

Tenants allocated to PPP units will be nominated by the local authority, in the normal manner, from the local authority social housing waiting list, in accordance with that local authority’s allocation scheme.  Each respective local authority therefore retains tenant nomination rights, and is to be the contractual landlord, with the same differential rent arrangements applying.
