Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Electric Vehicles

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 February 2018

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Ceisteanna (584)

John Curran


584. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide a clear, detailed and specific roadmap to achieve the Government’s plan of having only electric cars on sale here in 12 years' time in 2030; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7352/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland 2017-2030 was published in May 2017. It sets out the ambition that all new cars and vans sold in Ireland from 2030 will be zero emission (or zero emission-capable). A range of policy measures aimed at supporting the transition to low emission vehicles are set out in the National Policy Framework (http://www.dttas.ie/sites/default/files/publications/public-transport/english/npf-picture/6186npfalternative-fuelsengv5.pdf). Furthermore, the National Mitigation Plan published in July 2017 reiterates the ambition and also includes supporting actions towards this objective (https://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/National%20Mitigation%20Plan%202017.pdf).

While remaining technology neutral in the context of promoting greater uptake of zero emission capable vehicles, the full electrification of the car fleet represents a feasible option in Ireland, where supporting grid infrastructure is developed. Advances in battery technology, increasing competition in the market and falling vehicle costs would suggest that electrification will be the predominant low emission choice for private car, taxis and commercial vans in the short to medium term. In this regard, under a Programme for a Partnership Government commitment – that Ireland will become a leader in the take-up of electric vehicles (EVs) - a dedicated Low Emission Vehicle Taskforce was established to consider the range of measures and options available to Government to accelerate this aim.

The work of the Taskforce has been divided into three work streams focusing on: Market Growth Stimuli and Visibility; Infrastructure, Energy Regulation and Pricing; and Planning Legislation, Building Regulations and Public Leadership. Preliminary recommendations from the Taskforce were considered in the 2018 budgetary process and a suite of continued and new EV supports were announced as part of Budget 2018. A list of current incentives to promote EVs is presented in the table below –additional information is available at: https://www.seai.ie/grants/electric-vehicle-grants/.

In 2018 the Taskforce will also broaden its scope to consider measures to promote fuels such as natural gas, liquid petroleum gas and hydrogen. Currently, there is a Government commitment to maintain duty levels of natural gas at the minimum level for a period of eight years and an action in the National Policy Framework to develop the accelerated capital allowance type scheme to include gas refuelling infrastructure and vehicles.

The 2030 ambition will be achieved through implementing the measures outlined in the above publications, realising the outcomes of the LEV Taskforce deliberations, and developing new and innovative policy interventions in the years ahead in light of technological and market developments.

Electric Vehicle Incentives

VRT Relief

Continuation of VRT relief in Budget 2018 - 

Up to €5,000 for new EVs until end 2021

Up to €2,500 for new PHEVs until end 2018

SEAI Grant Scheme

Continuation of SEAI Purchase Grant -

Up to €5,000 towards the purchase of a new EV or PHEV

Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA)

EVs and charging infrastructure are qualifying equipment under the ACA scheme

Charging Supports

A new grant to support installation of home charger points  for buyers of new and second-hand EVs from January 1st

SPSV Grant Scheme

A new grant and supporting measures to stimulate take-up of EVs in the taxi /hackney/limousine sector

0% Benefit-in-Kind (BIK)

A new BIK 0% rate to incentivise EVs without mileage conditions for at least three years

Public Body Procurement

National Procurement Service to introduce a new public procurement framework contract for EVs in 2018 to allow public bodies to buy EVs with reduced administrative burden

Public Engagement Programme

National awareness campaign

Driver experience roadshow

Public sector and commercial fleet trials

Support for EV use in car sharing trials

Toll Incentive Regime

Funding to support a reduction in tolls for EVs
