Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Tuesday, 20 Feb 2018

Written Answers Nos. 199-214

DEIS Eligibility

Ceisteanna (199)

Kathleen Funchion


199. Deputy Kathleen Funchion asked the Minister for Education and Skills the reason a school (details supplied) has not been awarded extra resources under the DEIS scheme; when it will be awarded the extra resources; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8558/18]

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We have, for the first time, introduced an objective, statistics based model for deciding which schools merit inclusion in the DEIS Programme, so that all stakeholders can have confidence that we are targeting extra resources at those schools with the highest concentrated levels of disadvantage.

The key data sources used in the DEIS identification process are the DES Primary Online Database (POD) and Post-Primary Online (PPOD) Databases, and CSO data from the National Census of Population as represented in the Pobal HP Index for Small Areas which is a method of measuring the relative affluence or disadvantage of a particular geographical area. Variables used in the compilation of the HP Index include those related to demographic growth, dependency ratios, education levels, single parent rate, overcrowding, social class, occupation and unemployment rates. This data is combined with pupil data supplied by schools, anonymised and aggregated to small area, to provide information on the relative level of concentrated disadvantage present in the pupil cohort of individual schools.

A detailed document explaining the methodology used in the Identification process is available on the Department’s website at www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Services/DEIS-Delivering-Equality-of-Opportunity-in-Schools-/DEIS-Identification-Process.pdf.

It is important to note that schools included in DEIS with effect from September 2017 are those whose level of disadvantage has been identified as those schools serving the highest concentrations of disadvantage among their pupil cohort. Schools which have not been included at this stage are those which have not been identified as having the highest levels of concentrated disadvantage amongst their pupil cohort, under the new identification model.

It is also important to note that this is the first step in a process and the fact that a school has not been included now does not preclude its inclusion at a later date, should the assessment indicate a level of disadvantage that warrants additional supports.

An update of the identification model is currently underway. This will take account of updated school data as provided by schools for the current school year combined with the Pobal HP Index of Deprivation, based on Small Area Population statistics derived from the 2016 National Census. It is envisaged that this process will be completed by the end of Quarter 1 this year.

Should this exercise reveal that any school, including the school referred to by the Deputy, which did not qualify for DEIS in 2017 meets the criteria applicable to schools with the highest concentration of disadvantage based on the updated information then additional schools may be included subject to available resources.

Schools Site Acquisitions

Ceisteanna (200)

Joan Burton


200. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his attention has been drawn to the space constraints at the temporary site for a school (details supplied); if his attention has been further drawn to the concerns that parents have in relation to the existing site and its capacity to accommodate additional streams; the progress his Department has made in securing a permanent site for the school; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8592/18]

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The school to which the Deputy refers opened in temporary accommodation in September 2017. 

Under the Memorandum of Understanding for the acquisition of school sites, the Department has sought the assistance of the relevant local authority in identifying a suitable location for the school.  Such a site has been identified and my Department is currently engaged with the relevant stakeholders with a view to progressing matters. The school patron will be informed of this proposed location as soon as it is possible to do so.

Once the current discussions in relation to the site are concluded it is envisaged that, subject to no issues arising, the project to provide permanent accommodation for the school in question will be progressed into the architectural planning process.

In the interim, my Department understands there is sufficient accommodation for the school referred to by the Deputy for the academic year commencing September 2018.

Question No. 201 answered with Question No. 188.

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (202)

James Browne


202. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding a building project for a school (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8602/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, a building project for the school to which he refers is included in my Department's 6-Year Construction Programme.

The school authority in question is currently addressing legal matters associated with the site portfolio and my Department will continue to liaise with the school in the context of the progress that the school is making in relation to these matters.

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (203)

James Browne


203. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding the construction of an extension to a school (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8603/18]

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Freagraí scríofa

As the Deputy is aware, a building project for the school in question is included in my Department's 6 year Construction Programme.

I wish to advise the Deputy that a school site visit, by my Department's technical staff, has taken place, in the context of progressing the school project concerned. Schedules of accommodation, for purposes of the school's project brief, are currently being devised and my Department will be in further contact with the school authorities when these have been finalised.

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (204)

James Browne


204. Deputy James Browne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of plans to construct an extension to a college (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8604/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, a building project for the school in question is included in my Department's 6 year Construction Programme.

In the context of progressing the project, a school site visit, by my Department's technical staff, has been undertaken. The next step includes devising the schedules of accommodation, for purposes of the school's project brief and this process is in train. When this has been finalised, my Department will be in further contact with the school authorities.

National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy

Ceisteanna (205)

Jan O'Sullivan


205. Deputy Jan O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the details of action number 73 in section 4.4 of the Action Plan for Education 2018; if an upskilling pathways plan will be completed in time to secure funding under the EU upskilling pathways initiative in order to support adults with low literacy skills; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8638/18]

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In December 2016, the EU Council adopted the Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults Recommendation which aims to help adults acquire literacy, numeracy and digital skills to develop a broader set of skills through progressing towards an upper secondary qualification or equivalent. The recommendation envisages that implementation will build on existing national arrangements and existing financial frameworks.  There is no additional funding available beyond that already allocated in the current funding round.

My Department has been considering the recommendation and is planning for its implementation.  Arrangements are being made to establish an inter-agency steering group to collaborate on the development of an implementation plan under the recommendation.  A report on arrangements will be made to the European Commission this year.

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (206)

Fiona O'Loughlin


206. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the agreed new build of a school (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8647/18]

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The building project for the school to which the Deputy refers is at an advanced stage of architectural planning, Stage 2b – Detailed Design, which includes the applications for Planning Permission, Fire Cert and Disability Access Cert and the preparation of tender documents. All statutory approvals have been obtained.

The Design Team is currently finalising the stage 2b documentation and expects to submit the finalised Stage 2b Report to my Department shortly.

Upon receipt and review of this outstanding documentation my Department will revert to the Board of Management with regard to the further progression of the project at that time

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (207)

Fiona O'Loughlin


207. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of and timeframe for a new school (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8649/18]

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The project referred to by the Deputy has been devolved for delivery to Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board (KWETB).

My Department has received a Stage 2B submission and this is currently being examined. As soon as this examination is completed and found to be in order my Department will be in contact with KWETB in relation to the project’s progression to tender and construction.

Schools Building Projects Status

Ceisteanna (208)

Fiona O'Loughlin


208. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of an extension for a college (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8650/18]

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As the Deputy is aware, a building project for the school to which she refers is included in my Department's 6-Year Construction Programme.  In the context of progressing the building project, my Department has undertaken a site visit to the school.

The building project will be devolved to Kildare Wicklow Education Training Board (KWETB) for delivery and my Department will be engaging with KWETB shortly in this regard.

Summer Works Scheme Applications

Ceisteanna (209)

Fiona O'Loughlin


209. Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the funding that was agreed for a school (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8651/18]

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The school referred to by the Deputy was allocated a grant in May 2017 for a mechanical upgrade under my Department’s Summer Works Scheme. In September 2017 the school authority sought approval to use the allocated funding to carry out roof repairs instead and approval in principle was granted subject to details of the proposed works and costings being submitted.

The requested information was received on 8 February 2018 and is currently being assessed. My Department will be in contact with the school authority as quickly as possible.

Departmental Bodies Properties

Ceisteanna (210)

Róisín Shortall


210. Deputy Róisín Shortall asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of vacant habitable dwelling units and vacant derelict residential dwelling units in the ownership of or part ownership of or under the control of both his Department and agencies under his remit; the county in which each unit is located; the length of time each unit has been vacant, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8663/18]

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There are no vacant habitable dwelling units or vacant derelict residential dwelling units in my ownership.

The information sought by the Deputy in regard to bodies under the aegis of my Department is not routinely collated by my Department. Officials are making enquiries with the aegis bodies and will respond to the Deputy as soon as possible

Schools Establishment

Ceisteanna (211, 212, 213)

John Curran


211. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Education and Skills if provision will be made for a new second level school in the area of Saggart and Citywest in view of the population and of new housing developments under way; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8675/18]

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John Curran


212. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Education and Skills if an analysis has been carried out as to the requirements for a second level school in the Saggart and Citywest area of County Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8676/18]

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John Curran


213. Deputy John Curran asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he is satisfied that a school (details supplied) will have sufficient capacity to cater for pupils in future years from three new feeder schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8677/18]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 211 to 213, inclusive, together.

As the Deputy may be aware, in order to plan for school provision and analyse the relevant demographic data, my Department divides the country into 314 school planning areas. My Department uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify where the pressure for school places across the country will arise. The GIS uses data from a range of sources, including the Central Statistics Office, Ordnance Survey Ireland, the Department of Social Protection and my Department's own databases. With this information, my Department carries out nationwide demographic exercises at primary and post-primary level to determine where additional school accommodation is needed.

Where demographic data indicates that additional provision is required, the delivery of such additional provision is dependent on the particular circumstances of each case and may, depending on the circumstances, be provided through either one, or a combination of, the following:

- Utilising existing unused capacity within a school or schools

- Extending the capacity of a school or schools

- Provision of a new school or schools.

For school planning purposes, the Saggart and Citywest areas reside within the Tallaght and Newcastle-Rathcoole School Planning Areas.

The new 1,000 pupil post-primary school referred to by the Deputy in the Kingswood area of Tallaght opened in September 2016 to serve the needs of the students in the school planning area, which includes the Citywest area and a building project for this school is commenced construction in August 2017.

In addition, a new post-primary school is due to open in 2018 in the Firhouse/Oldbawn school planning area, which is adjacent to the Tallaght area. When fully developed, this school will provide 1,000 pupil places.

Nationwide demographic exercises involving all school planning areas, including Tallaght and Newcastle-Rathcoole, which will determine where additional school accommodation will be needed in the future, is currently ongoing and this work is almost complete.

Departmental Expenditure

Ceisteanna (214)

Thomas Byrne


214. Deputy Thomas Byrne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the costs incurred by his Department for the eight-page feature on the Action Plan for Education 2018 in a newspaper (details supplied) on 14 February 2018. [8679/18]

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The Action Plan for Education 2018 provides a roadmap to achieve the ambition to make the Irish Education and Training service the best in Europe by 2026 and to transform peoples' lives and to help everyone achieve their potential in life. Almost one quarter of our population are learners and there is a huge level of interest in the work of the education and training service due to its widespread impact.

Following consultation between the Department of the Taoiseach and Ministers and Secretaries General of Departments, a set of priority information campaigns was compiled. Cabinet subsequently approved the agreed priority information campaigns which included the Action Plan for Education 2018. A team from the Department of the Taoiseach worked with a team from the Department of Education on the launch of the Action Plan for Education. This work included the production of a video, social media support and a content partnership with a national daily newspaper. While the cost was not met by my Department, I understand it amounted to €8,600, excluding VAT.
