Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

School Curriculum

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 29 March 2018

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Ceisteanna (52)

Pat Deering


52. Deputy Pat Deering asked the Minister for Education and Skills the steps he will take to increase the uptake of STEM, science, technology, engineering and mathematics; if schools will be supported to modernise their science labs; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14365/18]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The promotion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) within our education system is a key priority for my Department and is reflected in the Action Plan for Education, which has the overall aim to make the Irish Education and training system the best in Europe.

Most recently, in November 2017 I launched the STEM Education Policy Statement and Implementation Plan, whose aim is that Ireland will be internationally recognised as a European leader in the provision of STEM education for learners by 2026. This Policy Statement focusses on the many strengths in STEM education in Ireland while providing a roadmap to address the areas for development. My Department is actively engaged in promoting STEM across the education system, for example through the updating of existing STEM curricula and in working with outside organisations to promote STEM among all learners. Implementation of the Policy Statement and Plan is overseen by a STEM Education Implementation Advisory Group which held its first meeting earlier this month.

Within our school system, there is an increased emphasis on STEM education, while new initiatives will continue to support greater participation and improved performance in STEM.  My Department is committed to curricular reform in relation to STEM, for example:

Introduction of computer science subject at senior cycle in September 2018;

Development of a new primary mathematics curriculum which will support all children in the development of algorithmic and computational thinking to include coding;

New Science specification was introduced for junior cycle students from September 2016;

Junior Cycle Mathematics specification to be implemented from September 2018;

A quality assured programme of STEM professional development provided to early years practitioners and teachers;

All schools will provide a better teaching, learning and assessment environment in STEM education;

All schools, learners and parents have access to quality STEM career information and more opportunities to experience the diversity of STEM careers;

All learners have access to co-curricular and out of school STEM learning opportunities with a 20% increase in extra-curricular STEM activities across schools;

Robust and sustainable partnerships between schools, business and industry, public sector bodies, research organisations, further and higher-level institutions, and the wider STEM community in place;

Partnerships in place with Arts education promoting creativity, universal design and design thinking skills;

STEM awards programme in place to recognise student participation in informal and extra-curricular STEM activities and events;

In relation to infrastructure, my Department is committed to conduct an audit to identify gaps in physical infrastructure which impact on the provision of STEM education in schools and early years settings. Project Ireland 2040 underpins the programme of curricular reform which I am implementing.

Under the National Development Plan 2018-2027, increased funding has being provided for the school sector capital investment programme. This funding will allow a continued focus on the generation of new permanent school places to keep pace with demographic demand.

Significantly, the new funding will also provide for an additional focus on refurbishment of the existing school stock.  This refurbishment programme will have three strands and will benefit schools throughout the country, not just in those areas of high demographic growth:

Upgrade of labs to support the reform and modernisation of school curricula;

Build and modernisation of PE facilities in post-primary schools;

Commencement of deep energy retrofit of schools built prior to 2008.
