Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Wednesday, 6 Mar 2019

Written Answers Nos. 13-29

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (13)

Éamon Ó Cuív


13. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív den Aire Oideachais agus Scileanna céard iad na céimeanna a bheartaíonn sé a ghlacadh lena chinntiú go mbeidh soláthar scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge ar fáil le freastal ar an éileamh ar oideachas trí Ghaeilge ar fud an Stáit; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh [10950/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Mar chuid de Straitéis 20 Bliain don nGaeilge 2010-2030 tá gealltanas tugtha ag mo Roinn deiseanna a chruthú chun oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge a leathnú amach lasmuigh den nGaeltacht sa chomhthéacs go mbunófar 42 scoil nua le linn na tréimhse 2019 go 2022 agus mar chuid den bpróiseas pátrúnachta nua féachfar go háirithe ar Ghaelscoileanna, Gaelcholáistí agus Aonaid Lán-Ghaeilge a bhunú. Lena chois sin tá mo Roinn ag obair i gcónaí le luchtanna leasa chun tuilleadh forbartha a dhéanamh ar pholasaí ina thaobh seo ag an leibhéal iar-bhunscoile.

Tar éis a bheith fógartha i mí Aibreáin 2018 go mbunófaí 42 scoil nua idir 2019 agus 2022 d’fhorbrair mo Roinn Córas Próiseála Pátrúnachta ar-Líne a thugann eolas neamhspleách agus a ligeann do thuismitheoirí a chur in iúl cad is fearr leo maidir le pátrúnacht agus teanga teagaisc, is é sin, Gaeilge nó Béarla, sna scoileanna nua seo. Tá tosaíochtaí na dtuismitheoirí chomh maith le ceisteanna eile, ar nós an méid éagsúlacht soláthair i gceantar (soláthar trí mheán na Gaeilge san áireamh), rí-thábhachtach don bpróiseas cinnteoireachta.

Mar thoradh air seo bronnadh pátrúnacht ar trí cinn de scoileanna as an 13 bhunscoil atá le bunú in 2019 ar an bhForas Pátrúnachta mar Ghaelscoileanna lán-Ghaeilge i gceantair phleanála scoile Baile an Bhóthair_An Charraig Dhubh; Dhroim Conrach_ Marino_ Áth Cliath1; agus Maigh Nuad.

Maidir leis an deich gceantar eile, measfar an scóip atá againn chun scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge atá ann cheana féin in aice leo a mhéadú. Pléifidh mo Roinn an scéal seo leis an bhForas Pátrúnachta.

Lasmuigh de sin bunófar Gaelcholáiste iar-bhunscoile nua i Má Nuad i mí Mheán Fómhair 2019.

Bhí an Roinn ag caint le Gaeloideachas agus le luchtanna leasa eile maidir le forbairt Aonaid le fíor-dhéanaí ag cruinniú ar an 13 Nollaig 2018.

De bhreis air seo tá gealltanas sa Straitéis 20 Bliain go measfar an t-éileamh ar thuilleadh soláthair do scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge mar chuid den bPróiseas um Athchumrú Scoileanna ar mhaithe le hÉagsúlacht. Ina thaobh seo tá deis ar fáil do scoileanna Béarla ar mhaith leo aistriú chuig soláthar trí mheán na Gaeilge más mian dearfa na dtuismitheoirí agus pobal scoile na háite a leithéid.

English Translation:

To ask the Minister for Education and Skills what are the steps he intends to take to ensure a supply of all-Irish schools to meet the demand for education through Irish throughout the State; and will he make a statement on the matter.

As part of the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030, my Department has committed to creating opportunities for expanding Irish-medium education outside the Gaeltacht in the context of the establishment of 42 new schools from 2019 to 2022, which will afford particular consideration to the establishment of Gaelscoileanna, Gaelcholáistí, and Aonaid Lán-Ghaeilge as part of the new patronage process. My Department is also continuing to work with stakeholders to further develop policy in this regard at post-primary level.

Following the April 2018 announcement of the establishment of 42 new schools from 2019 to 2022, my Department has developed a new Online Patronage Process System, which provides objective information and allows parents to express their preferences in relation to the patronage and language of instruction, i.e. Irish or English, of these new schools. Parental preferences, as well as other considerations such as the extent of diversity of provision in an area (including Irish-medium provision), are key to the decision-making process.

This has resulted in patronage of three of the 13 primary schools to be established in 2019 being awarded to An Foras Pátrúnachta as Irish-medium Gaelscoileanna in the Booterstown_Blackrock; Drumcondra_Marino_Dublin 1; and Maynooth school planning areas.

The scope for expansion of existing Irish-medium schools that are located near to the other 10 areas will also be assessed and my Department will be engaging with An Foras Pátrúnachta in respect of same.

Separately, a new post-primary Gaelcholáiste will be established in Maynooth in September 2019.

The Department has been in communication with Gaeloideachas and other stakeholders in relation to the development of Aonaid, most recently at a meeting on December 13th 2018.

The 20 year Strategy also includes a commitment to assessing the demand for increased provision for Irish-medium schools as part of the Schools Reconfiguration for Diversity Process. In this regard, an opportunity is available to English-medium schools seeking to make a transition to Irish-medium provision, in line with the expressed wishes of parents and the local school community.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (14)

Thomas Pringle


14. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Education and Skills when a new school (details supplied) in County Donegal will move to build stage; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10858/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The brief for the major building project for the school to which the Deputy refers is to provide a new 3 storey 24 classroom school with ancillary accommodation.

This project at an advanced stage of architectural planning Stage 2b (Detailed Design), which includes the application for statutory approvals and the preparation of tender documents. All statutory approvals have been secured.

The pre-qualification process to select a short-list of contractors for tender stage is currently on-going. In parallel with this process the Design Team is currently working on a submission to the Department outlining the steps required to achieve compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations 2017 (NZEB - "Near Zero Energy Building"). This is a new requirement arising from the introduction of Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Energy) of the Building Regulations to ensure compliance with the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). Part L of the Building Regulations 2017 applies to buildings other than dwellings and came into effect on 22 December 2017.

When pre-qualification is complete and the design team's NZEB submission has been considered and any consequential amendments to Stage 2(b) design and tender documents have been implemented this project will then be progressed to tender stage.

A tender stage normally takes between 7 and 8 months to complete. Upon completion of tender stage this project will then progress to construction stage.

As a T.D. for Donegal, I welcome this Governments investment in a number of education projects across the County. This school, when opened, will be a benefit to generations of Donegal school children for decades to come.

As Minister for Education and Skills I will continue to work to make sure this school is opened as quickly as possible.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (15)

Brendan Smith


15. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his Department has completed its analysis of the proposal by Cavan and Monaghan ETB to close schools (details supplied); if his attention has been drawn to the fact that there is widespread opposition at local level to the ETB proposal; his plans to ensure that the present delivery of second-level school services in the west County Cavan area through the schools will continue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10867/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I wish to advise the Deputy that the decision making authority for any amalgamation belongs to the Patron/Trustees of the school, and this is subject to the approval of my Department.

Any proposed change involves extensive negotiations at local level and must be well planned and managed in a manner that accommodates the interests of students, parents, teachers, local communities and contributes to an inclusive education system.  

My Department has sought further information from the Patron of the schools referred to by the Deputies relating to the proposed amalgamation and this is awaited. The matter can be considered further following receipt of this information.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (16, 29)

Joan Burton


16. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his attention has been drawn to a recent report from the OECD with respect to literacy standards amongst third level students; if his Department has carried out research on literacy among students attending third-level courses; if so, the findings of such studies; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10876/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Thomas Byrne


29. Deputy Thomas Byrne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of university graduates who are functionally illiterate; the cohorts which are tracked by his Department; if he is working to identify the factors driving decreases in levels of literacy amongst graduates; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10878/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 16 and 29 together.

I have noted the recent reporting on graduate literacy rates. The most recent figures from the OECD on adult literacy dates from 2010-2012. Ireland did not score significantly differently from the OECD average, although the country comparisons are based on varying response rates and are associated with sizeable standard errors.

When levels of education are taken into account the proportion of adults at or below level 1 drops from 15.5% for students with post-secondary, non-tertiary qualifications to 2.3% of graduates with a masters-research degree.

A particular issue with surveys of this type has been the common misconception that those at the lowest levels of literacy proficiency, typically Level 1 or below, have little or no literacy skills or are ‘functionally illiterate’. In fact the reading component tests administered under the PIAAC survey show that even at the lowest levels of literacy proficiency there are significant levels of reading skill.

Structures supporting access to higher education for students with additional needs have evolved immensely over the past 15 to 20 years. It is unclear if the OCED figures take into account those students who may have had access to additional supports such as scribes for exam purposes.

In terms of graduate outcomes and employer satisfaction 78% of all graduates are working, or due to start work, 9 months after graduation, with 14% in further study or training. The latest national employer survey also indicates that the majority of employers are very satisfied with graduates across a range of workplace and personal attributes.

In terms of the role of the broader education system literacy, along with numeracy, are among the most important life skills that our schools teach and it is a fundamental priority that no child should leave school without have mastered these skills to the best of their abilities.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (17)

Richard Boyd Barrett


17. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the plans for a permanent school building for a school (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10929/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As the Deputy is aware, a Major Capital Project for the provision of permanent accommodation for the school in question to cater for a Long Term Projected Enrolment of 1,000 pupils is being addressed as part of my Department's Capital Programme.

My Department proposes to master plan a 12 acre site owned by Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board (KWETB) to demonstrate how the accommodation needs of the school in question could potentially be met on this site. In this regard, I have issued a direction to KWETB in relation to facilitating and co-operating with my Department in relation to the master planning process.

The master planning process is an opportunity to address concerns by providing greater clarity to all parties on how the accommodation needs of both the school referred to by the Deputy and a Further Education College could be met on site. It provides an opportunity to identify how modern fit for purpose accommodation could be provided, which will be mutually beneficial for both parties.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (18)

Thomas Byrne


18. Deputy Thomas Byrne asked the Minister for Education and Skills if a survey of the available physical education facilities for students studying at senior cycle will be commissioned; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10882/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

As Minister for Education and Skills I believe that the positive impact of a student’s participation in physical Education at both primary and post-primary level on the physical and mental well-being of that student cannot be underestimated. I welcome the Government’s proposals in Project Ireland 2040 to invest in this area.

All post-primary schools are currently required to deliver Physical Education under the Rules and Programmes for Secondary Schools. The new specification for Leaving Certificate Physical Education and the Senior Cycle Physical Education Framework have been designed on the basis that facilities in schools may vary.

In relation to a survey of PE facilities across all schools, my Department's approach is to do so as part of a national sports facilities audit that is due to be undertaken as part of the National Sports Policy 2018-2027 that was published by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTS) in July 2018.

This audit will enable a town approach and a cross-Government approach to be taken in relation to PE facilities. It may be the case that a particular school may not have a PE facility but there might be a facility adjoining the school or in that town, as part of the sports capital programme or otherwise, that is accessible and can be maximised to make the best use of an asset which has been provided with State funds.

My Department is currently engaging with DTTS on this and is represented on the Sports Leadership Group established by DTTS to oversee the implementation of the National Sports Policy.

The National Sports Policy document envisages the audit being undertaken by local authorities and it being completed by July 2020. Once completed the audit will feed into the work of my Department in relation to the PE build and modernisation programme that is outlined for delivery during the second half of the National Development Plan 2018 to 2027. In the meantime, the provision of modern PE facilities is incorporated into large-scale building projects under my Department's school building programme. Large-scale projects under construction in 2018 and 2019 involve the provision of 48 PE Halls at post-primary level and 82 GP Rooms at primary level.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (19)

Ruth Coppinger


19. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the provision of additional classrooms for a school (details supplied) to cater for the needs of pupils from September 2019. [10862/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Plans are in place to provide 2 additional temporary classrooms and a resource room for the school referred to by the Deputy for September 2019.

My Department lodged a planning application the last week in February 2019 with Dublin City Council.

The tender process for the required temporary accommodation has commenced and will run in parallel with the planning application.

Officials in my Department will continue to keep the school authority updated on progress on the temporary accommodation for September 2019 and the delivery of the new permanent accommodation under my Department's Design and Build programme.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (20)

Willie Penrose


20. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding certain subjects being taught by the one teacher across multiple schools further to recent reports; the subjects that are in particular demand; the teacher unions and representatives of teachers which have been consulted on these proposals; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10877/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The recently published scheme to share teachers between recognised post-primary schools is intended to provide schools with flexibility around the provision of certain subjects that are experiencing a supply shortage. The scheme, which is a result of work carried out by the Teacher Supply Steering Group, is expected to ease recruitment pressures in some specific subject areas such as STEM, modern languages, Irish, and home economics.

Addressing the supply issues is a matter of national priority for the Government and it is hoped that Principals and boards of management in schools will seize the opportunity to engage with other schools in their local areas.

The scheme has been developed with due consultation with education stakeholders, including post primary teacher unions. School management bodies and teacher unions have shown great commitment and cooperation in agreeing innovative solutions such as the teacher-sharing scheme. It is critical that all stakeholders to continue to engage with Department of Education initiatives in order to respond to the pressures facing our education system.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (21)

Thomas Pringle


21. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Education and Skills if a person who is under the VTOS scheme takes up a paid internship or work during the summer can still access VTOS for the second year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10856/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) was established to provide a range of courses to meet the education and training needs of unemployed people. The scheme allows successful applicants to keep their social welfare allowances while attending their courses. VTOS courses are available to persons over the age of 21, and who are in receipt certain social welfare allowances for a period of at least six months (156 days). A full list of qualifying social welfare allowances for eligibility to VTOS courses is available on my Department’s website, or from the local Education and Training Board (ETB).

VTOS is a full time one or two year programme. Learners can work part time outside the operating hours of the programmes such as evenings, weekends and during the summer time. However, a learner must formally commit to return for the second year of the programme after year one by letter, and this letter must be dated and stamped to secure the learners place on the programme for year two.

A review of VTOS and Specific Skills Training is currently underway, and is due for publication later this year. The purpose of the review is to generate policy relevant knowledge concerning the outputs and outcomes of the VTOS and SST programmes, and the effectiveness of provision. The review may also make recommendations on how the programmes can be developed in the future.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (22)

Ruth Coppinger


22. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views on the report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills on relationships and sexuality education; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10864/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I would like to thank the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills on producing a comprehensive report on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE). The Deputy will be aware that the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently carrying out a review of RSE on foot of a request from my predecessor. I have asked the NCCA to consider the Committee's report as part of that review.

The NCCA review involves an examination of the curriculum at both primary and post-primary level, including:

- An examination of the experience and reality of RSE as delivered in schools,

- How the RSE curriculum is planned

- How it is taught and how parents are involved

- The role of the classroom teacher in teaching the curriculum

- The appropriate level of supports which are currently being provided by external providers, and

- The effectiveness of the continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities which are currently provided by the Department and other bodies to RSE teachers. A number of these issues have been raised in the report of the Oireachtas committee.

The NCCA Review compromises three dimensions:

1. A desktop review of recently published research/studies which was published last November.

2. Consultation with individuals and organisations working in this area and an online survey to gauge the view of students, parents, teachers, etc.

3. Working directly with schools to examine the experience of RSE in the classroom.

It is very appropriate that the time is now being taken to carry out a major review of how we educate our young people about relationships and sexuality. Issues such as consent, contraception and sexuality need to be taught in a way that not only acknowledges our changing society but also addresses issues that arise in society which indicate a lack of understanding of these areas.

It is vitally important that our Education system preparers our your people for life in an Irish society that values each individual’s sexual orientation, respects decisions regarding contraception and understands consent.

I expect the NCCA to complete its review in the second quarter of this year.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (23)

Charlie McConalogue


23. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of a school building project (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10728/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

A building project for St. Eunan’s College, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal is included in my Department’s current 6 year Construction Programme.

It is proposed to develop this school to a 1,000 pupil school and to provide a significant amount of new accommodation, 7,460m² approx., in additional floor area. The existing retained accommodation, 2,720m² approx., will be upgraded, in a practical manner, to match the new accommodation.

The project will be delivered via the ADAPT programme which is an innovative delivery programme first introduced by my Department in 2016. It uses a professional external Project Manager to coordinate and drive the respective design teams on each project.

In this regard, a tender competition is in train to establish a Project Manager framework which is expected to be in place this month. Once the framework has been established a tender exercise will be carried out to appoint a Project Manager for all projects under the ADAPT programme, including this project. In parallel with the appointment of a Project Manager, a Design Team will also be appointed to bring this school project through the Architectural Planning Process.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (24)

Richard Boyd Barrett


24. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to issue specific guidelines for time to be set aside for eating and hygiene in primary schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10928/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Guidance on the time to be set aside for recreation in schools are already set out in my Department’s Circulars to schools. They provide for a recreation break of 30 minutes with additional provision for morning and afternoon breaks.

The arrangements relating to time for recreation and for pupils to eat their lunch is a matter for each Board of Management to determine. These arrangements are dependent on a variety of local factors such as accommodation, staffing, supervision, sequencing of breaks etc. and as such are best left to be managed locally by the school.

Hygiene is one of the topics covered within the Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Curriculum which is allocated a minimum of 30 minutes a week at all levels of primary school.

SPHE provides the opportunity for children to learn the necessary skills that will equip them to lead healthy lifestyles not just for their time in school but for the rest of their lives.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (25)

Mick Wallace


25. Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the progress in constructing a new third-level IT Wexford campus; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10895/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

The development of a new purpose-built higher education campus in Wexford is being progressed by IT Carlow. IT Carlow is a member of the Technological University For South East Ireland (TUSEI) consortium, and it is envisaged that the Wexford campus would form part of the multi-campus TU.

My Department has agreed to provide funding for acquisition of a site for the new campus. The focus of IT Carlow is currently on securing a suitable site for the development.

Given the commercial sensitivities associated with site acquisitions generally, I am not in a position to comment any further on the site acquisition process. However, I can confirm to the Deputy that both IT Carlow and my Department remain fully committed to the development of a purpose-built higher education campus in Wexford.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (26, 53)

Thomas Byrne


26. Deputy Thomas Byrne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of detailed economic analysis to be conducted by the European Commission into the funding of third-level education here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10881/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Thomas P. Broughan


53. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the position with regard to a proposed income contingency loan scheme at third level and the referral of the proposal to the structural reform support programme of the European Commission for further analysis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10718/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 26 and 53 together.

In order to build a political consensus regarding a future approach to funding the higher education sector, the then Minister for Education and Skills referred the expert group report on future funding of higher education to the Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills for their consideration. The Committee requested that my Department undertake an economic examination of the three policy options proposed by the expert group to assist the Committee in forming its view of the most appropriate option.

In Q4 2018, my Department applied to the European Commission Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) which provides tailor-made support to all EU countries for their institutional, administrative and growth-enhancing reforms to carry out the analysis of the three policy options identified by the Expert Group. Formal decision-making by the European Commission on projects that have been successful in obtaining support is expected very shortly.

Having this evaluation undertaken through the Commission’s Structural Reform Support Programme will provide the type of international expertise and analysis that would be very beneficial to a major evaluation of this nature.

If the proposal is approved by the European Commission the detailed programme of work for a comprehensive economic evaluation of the funding options identified by the Expert Group would be expected to be completed in the course of 2019.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (27)

Joan Burton


27. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views on whether the junior certificate curriculum is appropriate and is not overloaded with topics, but rather concentrates on core topics essential to numeracy, literacy and general social development; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10875/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

One of the key aims of Junior Cycle Reform was to move from a large number of subjects with heavy curricula examined in a traditional memory based way. After a very detailed consultation process the NCCA recommended a new approach:

- limited compulsory subjects around basic literacy and numeracy

- 24 statements of learning

It is important to say that the 24 statements of learning include important elements which cultivate a historical perspective.

The new Junior Cycle Programme has also greatly enlivened subjects with a new emphasis on projects and self-directed learning.

Schools have been given greater flexibility and autonomy in subject choice. This increased flexibility and autonomy for schools reflects practice in other high-performing education systems such as New Zealand, Finland and Estonia.

The 2011 Literacy and Numeracy strategy, which was a response to negative international survey findings for Ireland in relation to Literacy and Numeracy, placed a priority focus on literacy and numeracy skills, delivered primarily in subject terms via English, Irish and Maths.

Abbey Theatre

Ceisteanna (28)

Ruth Coppinger


28. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Minister for Education and Skills his views on amending the Education Act 1998 to allow for the implementation of a relationships and sexuality education syllabus independent of school ethos; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10865/19]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

Schools are currently required to develop a policy on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) which should reflect the core values and ethos of the school as outlined in the school’s mission statement. My Department has published policy guidelines to support schools in developing their RSE policy. The guidelines, drafted in consultation with the education partners, provide a framework for Boards of Management to ensure that the policy development process allows for issues of concern to each of the participating groups – board, teachers, parents and students, as appropriate – to be raised, discussed and decided upon. Spiritual, moral and ethical issues may arise when teaching RSE. The school’s RSE policy should guide teachers in the treatment of such issues, in accordance with the ethos of the school. It is important to note that all schools are required to teach all aspects of the RSE programme. Elements of the programme cannot be omitted on the grounds of school ethos.

At my request the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently carrying out a review of relationships and sexuality education in schools. In undertaking its review, the NCCA will examine how the RSE curriculum is delivered in different school types. This involves consideration of a range of RSE policies and how they impact on the manner in which the RSE curriculum is delivered in different schools. I expect to receive the report from the NCCA around mid-year. The findings in that report will help inform a decision on any changes that are deemed necessary to the current policy in this area, including the precise mechanism or mechanisms to be used to put these changes into effect.

Question No. 29 answered with Question No. 16.