Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 9 Nov 1927

Vol. 21 No. 11


asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the reasons why the old age pension to Mary Givenan, Ballywater, Shanballymore, County Cork, was stopped.

Payment of the old age pension has not been stopped in this case. The facts are that on 10th August last the Pension Officer raised a question that Mary Givenan was no longer entitled to an old age pension on the grounds that her means exceeded the statutory limit. On being informed by the officer that the question was being raised the pensioner voluntarily surrendered her pension order book.

A final decision has not yet been given on the question, which is at present before the Department of Local Government and Public Health on appeal.

Is the Minister aware that there has been a misunderstanding in this case? The Pensions Officer claimed that this lady owned land which in reality she never owned. Her son received 29 acres on the Penrose Estate, on which he is compelled to pay a rent of £30 per annum. In view of the present depressed condition of farming I am sure the Minister is aware that 29 acres of land is barely able to support himself and his family, without having the extra burden of his mother on him.

I am afraid that is a different question. The Deputy should put down another question, I think.
