Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Feb 1928

Vol. 22 No. 5



asked the Minister for Finance whether Table 92 of the Second and subsequent Reports of the Revenue Commissioners can now be supplemented by giving details showing, as in the Annual Report of the Commissioners of British Inland Revenue, the gross income under Schedule E of (1) Government officials; (2) Corporation and public company officials; (3) officials not otherwise classified.


In Table 92 of the Second Annual Report of the Revenue Commissioners the gross income assessed under Schedule E in 1923-24 is shown as £24,911,110. This figure is divisible as follows:—

Government officials


Other employments


The term "Government officials" includes, in addition to ordinary Civil servants, judges and judicial officials, Gárda Síochána, Army officers, pensions and other remuneration (except that of National School teachers) paid out of voted moneys or charged upon the Central Fund.

Particulars are not compiled which would enable the segregation of "other employments" under the suggested heads to be made, and apart from the time and labour which would be required to do so it is not considered that the figures would serve any useful purpose. The material published in the reports of the Revenue Commissioners has in the interests of economy, been cut down or condensed to what are considered minimum requirements, and as economic conditions in this country are in many respects different from those in Great Britain it has not been considered necessary to compile the detailed figures presented in several of the statistical tables of the British Revenue reports.
