Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Apr 1935

Vol. 55 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Reduced Cattle Bounty.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the fact that the Minister for Finance has publicly announced that when the present financial year closes he will have a very creditable and comfortable surplus in the Exchequer, he will have the cut in the bounty on exported cattle restored before the spring cattle trade opens, to help rearers and feeders of live stock to meet some of their heavy losses through the tariffs.

Dr. Ryan

It is not proposed for the present to increase the existing rate of bounty on exported cattle.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, will the Minister say when he will increase the existing rate of bounty? Is it when the ranchers come on again?

Dr. Ryan

We are going to do away, with the ranchers.

Not if you give them 10/- a beast more than the tillage farmer.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, can it be that he is sceptical about the reality of the comfortable surplus in the Exchequer?

Dr. Ryan

I did not catch what the Deputy said.
