Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 15 Dec 1949

Vol. 118 No. 16

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Carrying Out of Painting and Decorating Work.

asked the Minister for Justice if he will state whether painting and decorating work has recently been carried out in the quarters of the Detective Branch, Dublin Castle, by members of that branch of the Garda Síochána; and, if so, whether such work was done under official instructions.

I am informed that members of the Detective Branch recently papered the walls of two dormitories in their official quarters in Dublin Castle, that the work was done voluntarily by the members when off duty and that the materials were paid for by the Committee of the Detective Branch Recreation Club.

Does the Minister think it is acceptable to have work like that performed by members of the Garda Force at their own expense and in their own time when there are tradesmen unemployed in the city? What about the Board of Works?

I think it is a very valuable attribute for anybody to have to be able to make their own rooms comfortable.

This is a voluntary work that could not have been done at all if these men had not done it themselves. It is like sweeping out their own quarters.

Is the Minister aware that, in the official Garda Review, apparently a complaint was made that the men had to do that work in their own time and at their own expense?

My information is that the work was done voluntarily and that the materials were bought.
