Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 Apr 1959

Vol. 174 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment in New Factories.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state in respect of the twelve new factories now in course of construction, referred to by him in a speech in Dublin on 4th February, 1959, (a) the number of persons to be employed in them, (b) the number of factories which will be situated in the undeveloped areas, (c) the number which will cater for the export market, and (d) the percentage of investment which will be made available in grants or loans.

The estimates by the promoters of employment in the twelve factories to which the Question refers visualise a total labour force of from 1,200 to 1,500 persons when all the factories are in full production. Six of the factories are located in areas to which the Undeveloped Areas Acts apply. Ten of the twelve factories will cater wholly or mainly for the export trade. Grants approved under the Undeveloped Areas Acts, 1952 and 1957, or the Industrial Grants Act, 1956, and loans approved by the Industrial Credit Co. Ltd. amount to approximately 35% of the estimated aggregate capital investment in the twelve projects.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state in respect of the twelve undertakings for which preliminary arrangements have been completed to which he referred in a speech in Dublin on 4th February, 1959, (a) the number to be employed in them, (b) the number of factories which will be situated in undeveloped areas, (c) the number which will cater for the export market, and (d) the percentage of the investment of £2 million which will be made available in grants or loans.

The estimates by the promoters of employment in the twelve undertakings to which the Question refers visualise a total labour force of over 1,000 persons when all the factories are in full production. The proposed locations for three of the undertakings are in areas to which the Undeveloped Areas Acts apply. It is expected that ten of the twelve undertakings will cater mainly for the export trade. Grants approved under the Undeveloped Areas Acts, 1952 and 1957, or the Industrial Grants Act, 1956, and loans approved by the Industrial Credit Company Ltd. amount to approximately 17% of the estimated aggregate capital investment in the twelve undertakings.
