Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 May 1961

Vol. 188 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Promotion of Whiskey Exports.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether it is intended to increase or decrease the expenditure (grant-in-aid) on the promotion of whiskey exports for the year 1961-62; and if he is satisfied with the results achieved so far in the campaign to increase exports of Irish whiskey, particularly to the U.S.A.

Provision has been made in the Estimates for 1961/62 for a grant-in-aid of £40,000 for the promotion of whiskey exports as compared with a provision of £80,000 in the year 1960/61.

While there has been an increase in exports of whiskey to the U.S.A. since the campaign commenced, this has not been as great as was originally hoped. I feel, nevertheless, that it is still too soon to draw any final conclusions.

Can the Minister state why it is considered desirable at this stage to reduce the grant-in-aid from £80,000 last year to £40,000 this year?

I understand it was a matter of decision based on the success of the campaign and on the general character of the sales campaign. The matter is being kept carefully under review by the Minister. The decision was made in view of the information he received.

Is it a fact that the campaign has proved unsuccessful and that, as a result, the decision has been taken to reduce the grant-in-aid from £80,000 to £40,000?

I have already replied to the Deputy. Exports of whiskey have undoubtedly increased. They have doubled since 1950. However the success of the campaign was not as originally hoped. It is still felt it is too early to draw any final conclusions. The Minister for Industry and Commerce will have this matter under review.

Is it not a fact that in 1960 the export value of Irish whiskey to the United States dropped by £15,000 compared with 1959? In view of the fact that the trend is downwards in exports, despite the fact that the amount of money spent on publicity has gone up, would the Minister not consider the time is ripe to re-examine the position with regard to this expenditure and ensure that only a suitable type of whiskey gets the publicity which is now being given to the type of whiskey going out——

The Deputy is making an argument.
