Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 8 Nov 1962

Vol. 197 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - West Cork Dispensary Appointments.


asked the Minister for Health his reasons for precluding the appointment of a permanent doctor to (a) Schull dispensary district and hospital and (b) Goleen dispensary district, County Cork.

As I informed the Deputy in a reply to his previous question in April last regarding the appointment of a permanent medical officer for Schull district hospital and dispensary district the future organisation of medical services in this area has been under consideration. The position in Goleen dispensary district is being considered in connection with the review.

I am not yet in a position to state when a decision will be arrived at. I would again like to emphasise that the people of the dispensary districts have not been deprived of an efficient service by reason of the consideration which it has been necessary to give the matter as the posts of medical officer have been filled in a temporary capacity.

Is the Minister aware that his actions have considerably affected the medical services in the Mizen Head Peninsula and as a result, we have no permanent medical officer in Schull dispensary district or in attendance at the Schull dispensary or the Schull district hospital? Is he aware that at present there is only one medical officer appointed in a temporary capacity who resides more than a mile from the village of Goleen at the western end of the peninsula, without even telephone facilities being available to him? Surely that cannot continue? Is the Minister also aware that as a result of the Department's attitude for nearly two and a half years, this position obtains in the Mizen Head Peninsula and the people are not going to stand for it any longer?

I understand that a temporary man is being appointed to the Schull area almost immediately.

We have had a succession of temporary men who come just for a month or two and try to get some other position of a permanent nature. Is the Minister aware that most of the temporary men who have been appointed are officers from outside the district who already have districts of their own to cater for? Is he aware that the Cork Health Authority has addressed a number of questions to him on this matter, without getting the courtesy of a definite statement?

I am not aware of that.

May I ask the Minister is he going to approve the appointment of a permanent medical officer for Schull dispensary district and hospital and a permanent medical officer for Goleen district? Will the Minister answer yes or no to both questions?

The whole question is being considered.

The Minister, in view of the unsatisfactory nature of his reply, is forcing me ot raise this matter on the Adjournment, unless I get an assurance now that definite action will be taken by the Minister for Health to sanction the request of the Cork Health Authority to appoint two permanent doctors in the Mizen Head Peninsula, one at Schull and the other at Goleen. I want to know this from the Minister for Finance. The Minister for Health, on the last occasion I addressed a question to him, hedged. Now he is absent and the Minister for Finance comes to take his place and is doing the same. I want an answer to my questions.

I am afraid I cannot give the Deputy any more information at the moment.

Question No. 6.

I shall consider raising this question on the Adjournment as the reply is definitely unsatisfactory.

I take that as notice and I shall communicate with the Deputy.
