Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 8 Nov 1962

Vol. 197 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer.


asked the Minister for Health what steps have been taken by him in relation to the report of the Royal College of Physicians on the relationship between cigarette-smoking and lung cancer.

I think that I made my position in regard to this matter quite clear in introducing the Estimate for my Department on 10th April last. The Deputy will find my statement at Cols. 1682-1684 of the Dáil Debates for that date.


asked the Minister for Health whether in connection with the report of the Royal College of Physicians on the causation of lung cancer he will consider taking steps to require that all packets of cigarettes be clearly labelled indicating the tar and nicotine content of the cigarette.

As I explained in the course of my reply to a somewhat similar question and to several supplementaries arising out of it on 7th March last, there is no power in existing legislation which would enable me to take steps on the lines suggested by the Deputy and I do not think that circumstances warrant such action.


asked the Minister for Health if he is in a position to curb the highly-concentrated advertising of cigarettes on radio, television, etc. engaged in since the cause of lung cancer was revealed; and, if not, if he will take powers to do so.

I would refer the Deputy to the comprehensive reply which I gave to a question on this matter on the 14th March last as quoted in Cols. 1491 and 1492 of the Dáil Debates for that day.
