Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 23 Nov 1967

Vol. 231 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions (Resumed). - Collins Memorial.


asked the Minister for Defence if with reference to his speech at Slane, County Meath, on 12th November 1967 he will give details of the Government's proposed memorial to General Michael Collins; if the State will bear the full cost; the nature of the memorial; and where in Glasnevin cemetery it is to be erected.

A memorial scheme is being prepared for the Army and United Nations plots in Glasnevin Cemetery. Necessary consultations regarding the scheme are in progress and, accordingly, I am not yet in a position to give details. As the plots are contiguous a basic consideration will be that the layout for each will harmonise with that for the other, and in the case of the Army Plot that the layout will harmonise with the existing memorial over the grave of General Michael Collins.

The full cost of the works involved will be borne by public funds.

Could the Minister let us know if there will be consultation with anybody outside the Army authorities, for instance, with anybody, perhaps, on this side of the House, in relation to this memorial?

I have not considered that yet and I have not made any decision on it.

Would the Minister undertake to consider it? I am not asking this in any spirit of criticism.

I have not alleged that.

I know that, but will you consider it?

I have not even gone into that. It is a matter to which I will give consideration.

You will consider it?

I could not forecast what my decision will be.

We are not asking you for a decision.

Will the Minister give an assurance that there will not be any interference with the existing Michael Collins memorial and plot?

I do not see why that question should even be asked because it should be generally accepted that such will not happen.
