Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Nov 1983

Vol. 346 No. 1

Written Answers. - Oil Exploration Employment.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the arrangements that are being made to ensure that Irish nationals are employed by companies to whom exploration licences are being granted, or have been granted, and by service companies used by present licence holders; if he will stipulate that such companies should employ a minimum number of Irish nationals in view of the present unemployment figures; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

It has been the policy of successive Governments, since oil exploration began in Irish offshore in 1970, to ensure that as many Irish nationals as possible are employed in connection with oil exploration in the Irish area. This season alone, 190 Irish nationals out of a total of 350 were employed on the three rigs operating offshore.

All existing exploration licences have been granted under the 1975 Ireland Exclusive Offshore Licencing Terms which require that the licensee shall use Irish goods and services as far as they are competitive in regard to quality, service, delivery period and cost. It is necessary, however, to apply this policy in a way which does not impair the objective of encouraging the maximum amount of exploration and which takes account of the fact that Irish nationals, possessing the specialised skills needed would not always be available. If the State were to insist on the oil companies employing a minimum number of Irish nationals, this would be in contravention of EEC Regulations on the free movement of labour within the Community. The employment of non EEC workers does, however, require in certain circumstances a work permit from the Department of Labour.

In past years, as a result of negotiations between the trade unions and the oil companies and despite the seasonal nature of this type of employment, substantial numbers of Irish workers have secured work on rigs, service boats and supply boats. Many of these workers have subsequently moved with the oil companies to drilling locations in other parts of the world.
