Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 1986

Vol. 370 No. 13

Written Answers. - Assaults on Prison Officers.


asked the Minister for Justice the action he proposes to take to prevent assaults by prisoners on prison officers particularly in view of the danger of transmitting AIDS.

The prisons and places of detention are staffed and organised so as to ensure, as far as possible, that security is maintained and that the safety of staff and offenders alike is safeguarded. As the Deputy will no doubt appreciate, it is not possible to guarantee in all situations that these objectives are achieved.

Medical advice indicates that the AIDS virus is transmitted through infected semen, by inoculation with infected blood or by intravenous inoculation with needles which carry the infection.

I am satisfied that the Governors of the various institutions are conscious of their responsibilities in these matters, and that prison staff have been advised of the required procedures.
