Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 5 May 1987

Vol. 372 No. 4

Written Answers. - Teamwork Scheme.


asked the Minister for Labour the reason a person (details supplied) in Dublin 5, who was employed on a Teamwork scheme from February 1984, to February 1985, was obliged to pay PRSI both for himself and the employer's share; if this is standard practice under such a scheme, and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The person concerned was employed on a Teamwork project from February 1984 to February 1985. The weekly grant rate at that time was £60. The grant is paid to the project sponsor towards the employment costs of the young workers and is not a wage.

The policy of the scheme at the time was that where organisations had resources of their own or where the organisation rather than the community benefited most from the project, they were required to pay the employer's share of PRSI from their own funds. In the case of voluntary social organisations engaged in non-revenue generating activities, the employers were allowed to deduct the employer's PRSI contribution from the grant. This applied to the majority of organisations funded under Teamwork including the organisation in question.

The present position is that all grants are towards employment costs, and the employer's PRSI contribution is deductible from the grant rate.
