Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 3 Nov 1992

Vol. 424 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Severance Payments to Irish Shipping Employees.

Eamon Gilmore


20 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for the Marine the progress which has been made to make additional severance payments to the former employees of Irish Shipping; and when these employees can expect such payments to be made.

Richard Bruton


24 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for the Marine whether he has had any discussions regarding pension rights or ex gratia payments to former employees of Irish Shipping and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 20 and 24 together.

In replying to previous questions on this subject, I have indicated that proposals were drawn up by my Department to establish a framework within which this issue could be progressed.

The various matters raised by the questions would fall for consideration under that framework. The Government are anxious to arrive at an equitable solution to this problem and I assure the Deputies that I will continue to work towards that objective.

I know the Deputies will appreciate that when a decision in the matter has been reached, it will, in the first instance, be communicated to those directly concerned, i.e. the former employees of the company.

According to press reports earlier this year the Minister made a commitment that an offer would be made to the former employees of Irish Shipping. Will he put on the record of the House — since this is probably the last opportunity he will have of doing so — what offer will be made to the former employees of Irish Shipping with regard to additional severance payments or whether they will have to wait for a fourth Government before their long outstanding problems will be resolved?

The reference to press reports is not accurate. I indicated in my reply that proposals were drawn up by my Department to establish a framework within which the whole issue could be progressed. It is a complex matter and involves major legal questions relating to other claimants. I will continue to try to make progress in that regard as I am very anxious to get a solution.

Is the Minister aware that, when his party were in Opposition between 1982-87, they did not see any difficulties in relation to the payments to employees of Irish Shipping? Will he please state whether the Government are now withdrawing the offer they made when in Opposition?

I have examined the position and I have put proposals together which are being considered at present.

The Minister appears to be welshing on the commitments which seem to have been given to the former employees of Irish Shipping. Will the Government advance additional severance payments to the former employees of Irish Shipping? Will he give a straight answer?

There were no legal difficulties in 1986.

I do not think I have ever welshed on anything I have said I would do. I said that I have prepared proposals which are currently being examined.

That disposes of questions today.
