Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 21 Jun 1994

Vol. 444 No. 1

Written Answers. - Resource Teacher Appointment.

Andrew Boylan


153 Mr. Boylan asked the Minister for Education if she will sanction a resource teacher to Mullagh national school to cater for the specific needs of children with special needs attending this school; if her attention has been drawn to the fact that up until now such children in this school received individual attention due to smaller numbers in the classrooms; her views on whether the services of a shared remedial teacher can cater adequately for these children; and if she will favourably consider the application already in her Department for a full time remedial teacher.

A range of support services are provided for pupils with special educational needs attending mainstream schools. In some cases, the services of a remedial teacher are sufficient to meet the need. In other cases, the support of a visiting teacher or a resource teacher may be the appropriate response.

The remedial needs of the school in question were considered in the context of the recent allocation of 100 additional remedial teacher posts. However, the needs of the school were not considered to be of such priority as to warrant inclusion in this allocation.

I will be keeping the question of further need in this area under ongoing review and the needs of Mullagh national school will be considered in this context.

The role of the resource teacher is to act in support of ordinary teaching staff in dealing with handicapped children attending ordinary classes. To date, a total of 13 such posts have been allocated.
I will shortly be considering the allocation of additional resource teacher posts and any application from the school in question will be considered in this context.