Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 27 Jun 1995

Vol. 455 No. 1

Written Answers. - County Kilkenny Schools.

Liam Aylward


104 Mr. Aylward asked the Minister for Education the progress, if any, to date on the provision of additional accommodation at a school (details supplied) in County Kilkenny. [11812/95]

My Department has approved the provision of additional accommodation and has requested the school authorities to submit technical documentation in relation to this provision. This documentation is awaited.

Liam Aylward


105 Mr. Aylward asked the Minister for Education the progress, if any, to date to enable the second phase of a school (details supplied) in County Kilkenny to proceed to tender. [11813/95]

Architectural planning of the proposed Phase II development at the school in question is proceeding. Discussions are also ongoing regarding a proposal to acquire an additional parcel of land to facilitate the Phase II extension.
