Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Oct 1996

Vol. 470 No. 7

Written Answers. - Defence Forces Training Centre.

Seán Power


45 Mr. Power asked the Minister for Defence when the Defence Forces Training Centre will be established; the changes, if any, which will be necessary to facilitate the establishment of this centre; and the approximate cost of providing this centre. [19898/96]

The role of the Defence Forces Training Centre will be to provide military training and education for Defence Forces personnel and to provide support to the director of training in the assessment of training requirements.

Phase I of the reorganisation and restructuring of the Defence Forces will continue until the end of 1998 and it is envisaged that the Defence Forces Training Centre will be established by that time. The training centre will have its headquarters at the Curragh. However, it may be some time after 1998 before all of the different elements of the centre are physically relocated there. The objective is to centralise a training infrastructure which is capable of imparting the full range of military expertise and skills. Consequently it will be necessary, as outlined in the Defence Forces Review Implementation Plan, to relocate certain existing training facilities.

There will be cost implications in the relocation of certain establishments. While it is not possible to quantify costs at present, such costs as may arise will be met within current Defence spending limits.
