Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Dec 1996

Vol. 472 No. 6

Written Answers. - Marine Research.

Trevor Sargent


29 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for the Marine his views on whether there is significant research being carried out in Irish universities but that there needs to be better co-ordination between researchers and the industry in the context of the Irish fishing industry; and the plans, if any, he has to overcome this lack of co-ordination. [23794/96]

There is a significant and growing level of marine research being carried out in Irish universities and regional technical colleges. Much of this research is funded under EU RTD programmes under the fourth framework programme and a number of joint industry/third level projects are being funded under the research measure of the operational programme for fisheries which is administered by the Marine Institute.

The need for improved co-ordination and interaction between third level institution and enterprises was highlighted in the report of the science technology and innovation advisory committee in 1995 and has been endorsed in the recently published White Paper on Science, Technology and Innovation. This requirement applies across all sectors including the marine and fisheries sector.

The objective, therefore, in line with overall national science and technology policy considerations and within the marine policy framework itself, is to gear marine RTD strategies towards building strong links between third level institutions and the marine and fishing industries. The Martine Institute has a pivotal role to play in achieving maximum co-ordination and prioritisation of marine research expenditure to meet the S&T and development needs of the sector. To that end the institute is preparing a national RTD strategy for the marine sectors in the context of the overall review of marine policy currently under way.
