Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 12 Mar 1997

Vol. 476 No. 3

Written Answers. - Health Promotion.

James McDaid


58 Dr. McDaid asked the Minister for Health the health promotion and substance abuse education measures, if any, he has taken or intends to take in relation to third level students during this term of office. [7110/97]

I am very aware of the need to educate and encourage all young people to adopt an all round healthy lifestyle and I acknowledge that there are particular issues which are relevant to third level students.

In response to these particular needs the Health Promotion Unit of my Department has put in place a number of initiatives targeting young people. Some of these initiatives such as the drug misuse mass media campaign launched in June 1996 target all young people including third level students with a message aimed at reminding and alerting them to the dangers of drug misuse.

Other initiatives in place specifically target third level students. These include the convenience advertising programme which involves placing AIDS and sexual health awareness messages in the washroom/toilet areas of the majority of third level colleges. This programme is a very effective medium for targeting messages at a specific group of young people.

In addition, a health promoting college initiative commenced as a pilot project in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick in 1996. This project is considering how a third level college can introduce and implement health promotion principles and practices. I hope that the pilot project results at the end of a three year period, will guide such initiatives in other third level institutions in the future.

The Health Promotion Unit publishes a wide range of literature and posters on health promotion issues including drugs, AIDS, and sexual health. These materials are made available to all third level institutions and are widely used during "freshers' weeks", "health weeks", and in student health centres.

The Deputy will be aware that a health promotion strategy was launched in 1995. To support this strategy a national consultative committee on health promotion was established. One of the main areas which the consultative committee sought to address was the health of young people. A report assessing current provision and future needs and priorities for young people's health has been produced and its recommendations will provide a framework for future health promotion measures addressing the needs of all young people including third levels students. The Deputy may be assured that my Department will continue to examine how it can best facilitate the developement of the health and well-being of the student population.
