Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Apr 1997

Vol. 477 No. 2

Adjournment Debate. - Youthreach Programme.

The Programme for Competitiveness and Work provides for an expansion of the Youthreach programme and contains a commitment to review the arrangements for those employed as teachers under the programme which is a worthwhile one in that it provides young people who do not succeed in the normal schooling system with an opportunity to undergo training. Four years since that commitment was made those employed by vocational education committees throughout the country have still not had their pay and conditions reviewed. This is extraordinary. To my knowledge, most are well qualified. They would not have been employed if their qualifications had not been equal to those of teachers employed in normal vocational education committee schools. Yet, their hourly rate of pay is a disgrace. It is very wrong of the Government to ask the people who took up these appointments to continue to work in the Youthreach programme without regularising their rates of pay. I ask the Minister to address this issue specifically given that the commitment made during the discussions which led to the inclusion of this clause in the Programme for Competitiveness and Work has not been fulfilled more than four years later.

I welcome the opportunity to reply to this debate on behalf of the Minister for Education.

Arising from the commitment in the PCW to review the staffing arrangements for the Youthreach programme, a consultancy study was commissioned of the staffing structure, qualifications profile and employment conditions of the staff in the programme. The consultants completed their report in April 1996 and copies were supplied to the relevant interests.

Following receipt of the consultants' report, discussions and negotiations on pay and conditions for Youthreach commenced between the Department of Education and the union representing staff in the programme. Facilitation and arbitration under the terms of the Government-ICTU PCW statement of 15 May 1996 were offered to the union in November 1996. The union referred the matter to the Central Review Committee of the Programme for Competitiveness and Work for determination on the question of the applicability to Youthreach of the terms of the “Chairman's Minute concerning New Companies or Newly Organised Employees in Employments where no unionisation already exists”. This matter having been resolved, the Teachers' Union of Ireland has agreed revised terms of reference for the facilitation and arbitration process submitted to it on 14 February last. In this connection the Department of Education confirmed to the Teachers' Union of Ireland that it is prepared to enter further negotiations with the aid of a facilitator, if necessary, in an attempt to reach agreement on as many issues as possible. The Department also confirmed that it is prepared to refer any outstanding issues for adjudication to the Public Service Arbitration Board on an ad hoc basis. A provisional timetable for the arbitration process has been discussed with the TUI.

As I am sure the Deputy will appreciate, the Department is committed to reaching an amicable solution to the issues involved in this matter and thereby recognise the contribution which the Youthreach instruction staff make to enabling the educationally disadvantaged participants in the programme to enhance their prospects in the labour market.

That is a very unsatisfactory response for those involved.
