Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Dec 1998

Vol. 497 No. 7

Written Answers - E-coli Incidence.

Michael Ring


138 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of fatalities, out of the 118 cases recorded, due to E-coli 0157 from 1996 to date; the health boards in which each fatality occurred; and the steps, if any, he will take to ensure the number of recorded cases decreases in the future. [26199/98]

Of the 118 cases of E-coli 0157 reported by health boards during 1996, 1997 and 1998 to date, it has now been established by my Department that one case resulted in fatality. This occurred in the Eastern Health Board region during 1997.

My Department was not aware of this when I replied to the Deputy's question on this matter on 12 November 1998, and I regret this.

The recently established national communi cable disease surveillance unit, which will provide a comprehensive broad based approach to the prevention of disease, including foodborne dis ease, is currently reviewing the whole area of dis ease notification and E-coli 0157 is being included in this review.

As the Deputy is aware the Food Safety Auth ority of Ireland has established an E-coli 0157 task force to examine the issue, and to advise on the appropriate response in terms of regulation, standards and education for consumers and pro ducers. I understand that this task force will report within a matter of weeks.

As indicated to the Deputy in my recent reply, the health promotion unit of my Department has prepared an explanatory leaflet dealing with the control measures and preventative procedures to be exercised to combat the likely sources of this infection. This leaflet, titled "E-coli 0157 : H7", has been widely distributed to the general public, and is still available from the health promotion unit of my Department, and other appropriate outlets.
