Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Sep 1999

Vol. 508 No. 1

Written Answers. - Tobacco Product Ingredients.

Alan Shatter


491 Mr. Shatter asked the Minister for Health and Children whether all tobacco companies whose cigarettes are sold in the State have furnished to him full details as required of the ingredients of the different brands of cigarettes sold by them; the company or companies, if any, which have, to date, failed to make this disclosure; and the steps, if any, he has taken to date to resolve any difficulties experienced by him in obtaining a satisfactory response. [17890/99]

Tobacco companies were requested to notify me under section 5 of the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Act, 1988, of the constituents other than tobacco, water and reconstituted sheet made wholly from tobacco and of the amount of such constituents used in brands of tobacco products manufactured or imported.

Two companies, R.J. Reynolds and SEITA, have not furnished any details of ingredients used in their products. The information supplied by the other tobacco companies was furnished in a composite format and is being examined to see if it meets the legal requirements of the Act.

Some advice has been received from the Attorney General on the matter and further clarification is being sought.
