Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Sep 1999

Vol. 508 No. 1

Written Answers. - School Transport.

Michael Ring


713 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands the company which has been awarded the contract for the transport by boat of school children to and from Clare Island, County Mayo; if this service is in operation; and, if so, if she has satisfied herself that it is up to the standard required by the Department of the Marine and Natural Resources. [17381/99]

Michael Ring


714 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands when the tender was awarded for the transporting by boat of school children to and from Clare Island, County Mayo; the number of tenders received; the person who made the decision regarding the award of this contract; where this decision was made; and when it was made. [17382/99]

Tógfaidh mé Ceisteanna Uimh. 713 and 714 le chéile.

At the beginning of June 1999 my Department sought tenders by open competition for the provision of a suitable passenger ferry service between Clare Island and the mainland. Two tenders which fulfilled the criteria outlined by my Department were received by the closing date for receipt of tenders and these tenders were then considered by officials of my Department.

On 31 August 1999 my Department informed O'Malley Ferry Services, Strake, Clare Island, County Mayo, in writing that the tender submitted by that company for the provision of the passenger ferry service to and from Clare Island, was accepted subject to certain conditions which were outlined in the Department's letter. That decision was made by me on 30 August 1999 as Minister of State with responsibility for the offshore islands on the recommendation of my officials. The service will commence as soon as my Department is satisfied that all of the conditions outlined to the company have been met, including the requirements of the Department of the Marine and Natural Resources.
I have been informed by O'Malley Ferry Services that they hope to have the new boat in operation within a fortnight.