Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 Nov 1999

Vol. 511 No. 6

Written Answers. - Air Corps Strength.

Frances Fitzgerald


162 Ms Fitzgerald asked the Minister for Defence his views on whether the incentive scheme he introduced for pilots of the Air Corps was a success in view of the fact that none of the pilots who applied to leave opted for the scheme and remained in service; and his views on whether he should have taken the advice of the Air Corps as the scheme as proposed by his Department was ill advised and divisive. [25009/99]

Frances Fitzgerald


165 Ms Fitzgerald asked the Minister for Defence the plans, if any, he has to replace the incentive scheme for Air Corps pilots in view of the fact that the present scheme is closed and in order to ensure that sufficient pilots remain in service; and if he will give details of those plans. [25012/99]

Minister for Defence (Mr. Smith)

I propose to take Questions Nos. 162 and 165 together.

The service commitment scheme was intro duced in 1997 for pilot officers of the Air Corps. From the outset, the scheme applied primarily to experienced personnel who were currently rated on and flying the Gulfstream IV, Beechcraft, CASA and Dauphin Aircraft, which are the principal operational aircraft, in the Air Corps. The scheme was introduced with a view to assisting in the retention in service of senior pilots in key appointments in areas such as search and rescue, maritime surveillance and ministerial air transport. The gratuities available under the scheme were designed to strike a fair and reasonable balance between the demands of the external commercial environment and the need to exercise responsibility in relation to public service pay. Such financial incentives are not uncommon in defence forces in other countries where similar difficulties exist in retaining highly qualified and readily marketable personnel. The scheme, moreover, was perceived to offer a more acceptable avenue of approach for all concerned than the imposition of any compulsory retention.
The service commitment scheme was introduced for a two year period and I am satisfied that, as a significant incentive scheme, it has helped both to stabilise the drain of key pilots from the Air Corps and to create an environment of some predictable certainty for the medium term future in that regard. A total of 17 pilots had opted to participate under the terms of the service commitment scheme by the time of closure of the scheme at the end the original two year period of sanction. Application for entry to the scheme was, of course, entirely voluntary in nature.
The Air Corps, having reviewed the operation of this scheme, are to bring forward proposals in relation to the retention of pilots and their proposals are now awaited.