Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Jun 2000

Vol. 521 No. 6

Written Answers. - Milk Quota.

Michael Ring


37 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development when dairy farmers will receive their allocation of additional quota as part of the Agenda 2000 Agreement. [17715/00]

Ireland was allocated 32 million gallons under Agenda 2000. Of this, 20.5 million gallons is available in the 2000-01 milk year and the remainder, 11.5 million gallons in the 2001-02 milk year.

As regards this year's allocation the 15 million gallons which was set aside for active milk producers with quotas of less than 55,000 gallons, who have demonstrated a commitment to dairying by filling their existing quota and acquiring additional quota, has now been allocated. Co-ops have been notified of the allocation to each successful applicant among their suppliers.

A further five million gallons will shortly be allocated to younger dairy farmers with quotas of less than 35,000 gallons who have shown similar commitment. It was necessary to set strict eligibility criteria for the allocation of the extra quota in order to maximise its effect. The completed application forms have been received through the co-operatives-dairies and are being examined. In many cases details pertaining to eligibility require verification by my Department and this is being done.

My Department will endeavour to have the individual allocations made as early as possible and all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications. The additional quota allocated will be available to producers for use within the quota year beginning on 1 April. I will announce details in due course for the allocation of the remaining 500,000 gallons that has been set aside for special cases arising out of the operation of the general distribution. No decision has been made regarding the allocation for next year's amount of 11.5 million gallons.
