Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 28 Nov 2000

Vol. 526 No. 6

Written Answers. - Swimming Pool Projects.

Louis J. Belton


370 Mr. Belton asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the allocation of funding which is available for the development of a new swimming pool in Longford town; and when his Department will give the go ahead to this project. [27366/00]

There is a provision of £15 million per annum under the swimming pool programme 2000-02. Under the programme grants of up to £3 million are available towards both the refurbishment of existing pools and the provision of new pools, subject in both cases to the total grant not exceeding 80% of the eligible cost of the project or, in the case of projects located in designated disadvantaged areas, 90% of the eligible cost.

My Department has received an application for funding from Longford County Council, in respect of a new 25 metre conventional swimming pool and a number of ancillary features. Preliminary proposals submitted for this project are being examined by my departmental officials along with all other new pool proposals received by the closing date of 31 July last. As soon as this examination has been finalised, my officials will be in contact with the county council.
