Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 13 Nov 2001

Vol. 543 No. 5

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Michael Ring


403 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when an application by a person (details supplied) in County Mayo for part payment for a child dependant on a carer's allowance will be sanctioned; and when payment will issue. [27712/01]

Michael Ring


404 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs when an application by a person (details supplied) in County Mayo for a carer's allowance will be approved. [27713/01]

I propose to take Question Nos. 403 and 404 together.

One of the principal conditions for receipt of carer's allowance is that full-time care and attention is required and being provided to the care recipient. The person concerned is currently in receipt of carer's allowance at the weekly rate of £88.50, 112.37. She applied for a further increase in her carer's allowance in respect of an additional care recipient on 6 July 2001.

Her application was refused as the medical evidence submitted was insufficient to determine if full-time care and attention was required. The person concerned was notified of this decision and of her right of appeal to the social welfare appeals office. She subsequently appealed the decision and submitted further medical evidence in support of her appeal.

Having examined all the evidence provided, the Department's chief medical adviser expressed the opinion that the full-time care and attention condition was not satisfied in this case, and the original decision to refuse carer's allowance was upheld.
The case has now been forwarded to the social welfare appeals office for further determination and the appeals office will be in contact with the person concerned shortly.
The person concerned also applied for an increase in respect of a child dependant. In this regard she has been awarded a child dependant allowance of £6.60, 8.38, with effect from 18 October 2001 and payment has issued to her nominated post office for collection.
Under social welfare legislation decisions in relation to claims must be made by deciding officers and appeals officers. These officers are statutorily appointed and I have no role in regard to making such decisions.