Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2002

Vol. 547 No. 1

Written Answers. - Swimming Pool Projects.

Dinny McGinley


1064 Mr. McGinley asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the position regarding the proposed swimming pool for Ballybofey-Stranorlar, County Donegal. [2500/02]

Under the local authority swimming pool programme, which is administered by my Department, following the submission and approval of a feasibility study, there are four stages in a swimming pool project. These, in order of progress, are: preliminary report; contract document; tender and construction. My Department's technical advisers, the Office of Public Works – Office of Public Works – evaluate each stage and local authorities cannot proceed to the next stage of a project unless prior approval issues from my Department. Grant aid is allocated only when tenders have been received for the project and will be capped at the time of allocation.

The current position with the proposed new swimming pool in Stranorlar-Ballybofey is that my Department has approved the design brief prepared by Donegal County Council for the appointment of consultants for the preliminary, design and construction phases of the pool and my officials are currently awaiting the preliminary report from Donegal County Council.

Austin Currie


1065 Mr. Currie asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the position in relation to the provision of a swimming pool at Lucan, County Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2506/02]

While I understand that South Dublin County Council is considering the possibility of providing a swimming pool in Lucan, my Department has not received a formal grant application under the local authority swimming pool programme in relation to such a proposal.

Questions Nos. 1066 and 1067 answered with Question No. 1040.
